Your timelines

Your timelines are your lifelines – Femi Adediran, 2020.

If you really have anywhere to go in life, you must learn to live by timelines .- Femi Adediran, 2020.

For a lot of people, time is not of the essence, they do things when it is convenient and it does not really matter how long it takes as they think of their lives in the quantity of it and not in the quality of same. That is a dangerous philosophy, an ungodly one at that!- Femi Adediran, 2020.

Until you know how to work with timelines, fulfillment in life  as well be a mirage – Femi Adediran, 2020

Dont just live by happenstance. Be clear about your timelines – Femi Adediran, 2020

Your timelines are your lifelines. Timelines are seemingly limiting boundaries that eventually lead us into unlimited life – Life with no limits. And until you properly define your timelines, you as well get ready for lifelines with continuous curves and undefined irregular shapes called frustration and pressures. If you really have anywhere to go in life, you must learn to live by timelines.

For a lot of people, time is not of the essence, they do things when it is convenient and it does not really matter how long it takes as they think of their lives in the quantity of it and not in the quality of same. That is a dangerous philosophy, an ungodly one at that!

Why did i say so? Because the God who owns time and eternity have timelines, else He would have created the world forever. He had a business of creation and he delivered in 6days! Until you know how to work with timelines, fulfillment in life  as well be a mirage. We do not have all the time to do all that we ever wanted to do. And the truth is that, time is never in short supply, the wisdom lies in knowing when to sit down and wait and when to stand up and go. Until you come to term with this difference, time will not only be in short supply but life and living will continually be an unlimited struggles within the confine of limited time.

Timelines are your guidelines to making the most of your lifelines

  • Set time boundaries for yourself.
  • Set time boundaries for your life.
  • Don’t just live by happenstance. Be clear about your timelines
  • Don’t just get on a project, have an idea of what the finishing time is
  • Avoid the temptation of open ended timing, at best, you will squander the most on the least
  • Apportion time appropriately and your life story will be enviable
  • The difference between a Great man and a small man is in their understanding of timelines.

A Great man understands that he does not have all the time. A small man believes that he still has tomorrow to finish what he ought to do today. When your timelines are well defined, your life story will become totally refined. The birthplace of eternity is in time…when we do not allow the life in our time to leak away. Set the time and live by it! Nothing is more profiting.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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