When you have to Concentrate

Effort count when we concentrate – Femi Adediran, 2020.

If you can concentrate, you can “master” almost anything  – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Concentration is real power – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We live daily with distractions, struggles, and disappointment that weigh us down and change our focus. Real power is in our ability to focus our mind and body on what really counts for life. Most of the things that take our attention are things that “discount” our life – Femi Adediran,2020.

Most accidents occur as a result of a moment of lack of concentration. If you don’t want to have an accident in life, concentrate on your journey – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Concentration is a one-man business – Sole proprietorship – “Partnership” or “Limited Liability Company” is an absolute distraction – Femi Adediran, 2020.

  • If you can concentrate , you can be productive.
  • If you can concentrate, you can be effective
  • If you can concentrate, you can “master” almost anything

You cannot perform better ( in life) than your concentration. How long can you stay without blinking an eyelid? How long can you sit without standing up? How long can you stand without sitting down? How long can you focus your thought on one thing without thinking about something else? Concentration is focusing all of you on one thing. When you can mentally focus on a particular thing for so long, it is called concentration.

  • If you cannot concentrate, you cannot meditate
  • If you cannot concentrate, you cannot memorize
  • If you cannot concentrate, you cannot be consistent
  • If you cannot concentrate, you cannot go too far

Concentration is real power. Concentration is your willpower and desire combined. Focusing all your energy, your hope and thought on one thing. Effort count when we concentrate. We live daily with distractions, struggles and disappointment that weigh us down and changes our focus. Real power is in our ability to focus our mind and body on what really counts for life. Most of the things that takes our attention are things that “discount” our life.

When we lose concentration, we end up “struggling with too many things”. Most accident occurs as a result of a moment of lack of concentration. If you don’t want to have accident in life, concentrate on your journey. Every vision comes with an attached distraction. Your ability to concentrate amidst distraction is what determines the fulfillment of your vision.  Anything can be a distraction, as long as it takes your focus away from what is important even now.

You cannot be committed more than you are able to concentrate. The less distracted you are, the better your output in life. With concentration comes precision. Precision is what makes you an authority – an expert. If you really want to concentrate, you must be able to prioritize, determining what is most important for now and for life. If you can prioritize, you can concentrate. To concentrate, you must be able to discipline your mind and body to focus. If you can discipline your mind and body, you can concentrate. To concentrate, you must be “hard enough” to eliminate distractions even if it means doing away with some habits, things, thoughts and even friends.

Concentration is a one-man business – Sole proprietorship.  “Partnership” or “Limited Liability Company” is an absolute distraction.  If you can concentrate, you are halfway there!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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