When You Are Taken Advantage Of (i)

You cannot be used and not eventually become useful – Femi Adediran, 2020

When people take advantage of you, be wise enough to take the advantage because it is not every time you have the opportunity to be trained on a Vantage with an Ad – Femi Adediran,  2020

Every advantage taken is to your advantage because it is more blessed to give (to others) than to receive (take from them) – Femi Adediran, 2020

Men users are men losers. There is no advantage in taking advantage, it is usually to a disadvantage – Femi Adediran, 2020

Those who take advantage of others are usually weak people who do not realize and do not know how to maximize their own advantage – Femi Adediran, 2020

When you have a large heart, people will take advantage of you, be careful not to allow them to put a hole in it – Femi Adediran, 2020

Everything is to our advantage until we think otherwise and when we think otherwise we start taking advantage of others and when we take advantage of others we will eventually become disadvantaged – Femi Adediran, 2020

Never yield to the temptation to take advantage of those who are seemingly disadvantaged, it is always to your disadvantage – Femi Adediran,  2020

Taking advantage of others is a sign of chronic weakness and not of strength. Strong men would rather give an advantage rather than take it – Femi Adediran, 2020

Only those who have been used eventually become useful. When people take advantage of you, be wise enough to take the advantage because it is not every time you have the opportunity to be trained on a Vantage with an Ad. Every advantage taken is to your advantage because it is more blessed to give (to others) than to receive (take from them). When you have a large heart, people will take advantage of you, be careful not to allow them to put a hole in it

Those who takes advantage of us do not really know us, it does not really matter if they are our best friends. That is why you should forgive those who take advantage of you so you can have more advantage over them. Everything is to our advantage until we think otherwise and when we think otherwise we start taking advantage of others and when we take advantage of others we will eventually become disadvantaged

Never yield to temptation to take advantage of those who are seemingly disadvantaged, it is always to your disadvantage. Those who take advantage of others are usually weak people who do not realize and do not know how to maximize their own advantage. Each time you are tempted to take advantage of others, think about the advantage you have that they do not have and see how you can give them an advantage because what goes around comes around. Men users are men losers. There is no advantage in taking advantage, it is usually to a disadvantage

When people take advantage of you, it is usually an opportunity for extra training giving you further advantage. When you feel taken advantage of, it is either you walk away or you take the advantage. Taking advantage of others is a sign of chronic weakness and not of strength. Strong men would rather give an advantage rather than take it. There are times we need to stand up to those who are taking advantage of us if only to let them know that we are not coward.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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