When the Basic becomes the Priority

Life is about contribution and not just about consumption but when consumption becomes the priority, contribution becomes an illusion and our vision becomes dim with no clear sense of direction – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The less a man has to struggle for the basic things of life, the better his creativity and the higher his productivity – Femi Adediran, 2020.

When your basic needs becomes your “habitation”, it is a tendency towards becoming irrelevant because your abode will be so small that it could barely contain you making your life have “no room for others” – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Your priority, your daily Priority will determine your relevance – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Food fills your stomach, Cloth takes away your cold, Shelter makes you feel secured but it is your contribution that gives song to your soul and joy to your spirit – Femi Adediran, 2020.

There’s a place in life beyond ” Butter Place”, it is called “Butler’s Place”, where you fill other’s people’s cups and quench their thirst. Many hardly make it to their “Butler’s Place” because their “Butter Place” became a non-ending priority- Femi Adediran, 2020.

Three things are basic to all of us; Food, Clothing, and Shelter. Until these are no longer of concern, nothing else matters. But our life is bigger than all of these things. There is a higher level of life and living that brings satisfaction to a man’s soul and spirit. It is a realm of satisfaction that transcends whatever “fulfillment” the basic bring. And we all can be fulfilled only to the extent that we have been able to break free from the holds of our basic needs.

Life is about contribution and not just about consumption but when consumption becomes the priority, contribution becomes an illusion and our vision becomes dim with no clear sense of direction. Contribution makes a man the subject while consumption makes him the object. When what you will eat, what you will wear and where you will stay becomes your life priority, you  miss the priority of life altogether. Life basics will put you in a small world with a constant focus on yourself and your needs

When your basic needs becomes your “habitation”, it is a tendency towards becoming irrelevant because your abode will be so small that it could barely contain you making your life have “no room for others”

Your priority, your daily Priority will determine your relevance. The impact is only possible when the basic becomes a “no issue”. Until you feed well, you are not able to see or think well.  It is wisdom for a man to quickly seek and find a way to take care of his basic that he be free to pursue a higher purpose.

  • Food  fill your stomach
  • Cloth  take away your cold
  • Shelter  make you feel secured
  • But it is your contribution that gives song to your soul and joy to your spirit

Some people just wake up to eat and drink. Yet it is leanness in their soul but he who wakes up to “give food”, his soul will be made fat. Life becomes boring when the basics becomes the priority. The struggle for our daily bread could be so intense that it becomes a sole priority and we lose the sight of the need to “contribute” but we must fight so intensely as well to deliver ourselves from the snare of our “Daily Bread”

The earlier you seek and find your daily bread, the quicker you will be able to explore the real essence of living. The less a man has to struggle for the basic things of life, the better his creativity and the higher his productivity. Most marriages have lost focus because of the priority of our “Daily Bread”. It becomes difficult to make contribution to the life of the children because the basic has become the priority!

Do all you can and as quickly as you can to put the struggle for the basic behind you so you can easily find and occupy your space in destiny. Your destiny is beyond putting food on the table…On your own table alone. There’s a place in life beyond ” Butter Place”, it is called “Butler’s Place”, where you fill other’s peoples cups and quench their thirst. Many hardly make it to their “Butler’s Place” because their “Butter Place” became a non-ending priority. Don’t get so weigh down by the Basics of life that it becomes so difficult for you to take flight and not able to carry your own weight. When “Daily Bread” becomes the essence of existence. Life statement becomes ” Of what use is my Birthright to me?” in the language of Esau. Exchanging precious heritage for morsel of foods

Here is the wisdom; Give all it will take to break free from the slavery of “our Daily Bread” that you  become master at life and living.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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