The Value of Time Versus The Value of Your Time

The raw material for success is time. The raw material for failure is time. Your final product in what you do or did not do “in the process of time”- Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Time has no value until becomes assigned. Time becomes valuable when it becomes “My time”-Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Everybody does not worth your time. It is not pride, it is only that “you have a place to go”- Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Time cannot be wasted. It can only be invested. It either you are investing in your own success or you are investing in your failure – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

We are all products of our own time. We are our ‘own producer!”- Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The Value of Time Versus The Value of Your Time Time has no value until becomes assigned. Time becomes valuable when it becomes “My time”.

What you cannot get out of your time, you cannot get out of life. Our live performance is largely by our time “performance”.

The raw material for success is time. The raw material for failure is time. Your final product is in what you do or did not do “in the process of time”.

Our biggest life support is time. Time is always on our side until we think otherwise.

Time cannot be wasted. It can only be invested. It either you are investing in your own success or you are investing in your failure.

You must be able to place a premium on your time without sentiments else you will soon be named among “commoners”.

We are all products of our own time. We are our own producer!

Our life value is about our time value and our time value is about our input into our own time. Our time value will not increase until we make deliberate input into it.

To make a difference, make your time count.

Our real value is in our time value.

Every time is with value attached. What we “get” is about what we “gave”.

Everybody does not worth your time. It is not pride, it is only that “you have a place to go”.

The Value of Time Versus The Value of Your Time You only have to increase your time input to increase your life value.

Nothing will change in your life until your input into your time changes.

Your life will not improve until your time input improves

Your financial situation will not change until you can place on your time.

Everything rises and falls within time.

Time frames are life frames. Handle with care.

One big difference between the rich and the poor is in what they do with their time. You are either become richer or poorer over time.

Everything is possible, “With Time”.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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