The Trained Child

If you want to see a safer world. Go back home and train your children – Femi Adediran,  2020

It’s a lot easier to train up a child than to rebuild a nation – Femi Adediran, 2020

Effective training is by influence. We must hold ourselves up high enough that our children will see reasons to follow us – Femi Adediran, 2020

The only way to confirm that you have done a good job at training your children is to feel comfortable when you see them “leave”. Children are not for keep after all but to release them to slug it out in a world full of too many uncertainties – Femi Adediran,  2020

To train a child you must both be patient and be consistent – Femi Adediran,  2020

There is no better weapon than a trained child – Femi Adediran,  2020

To avoid eventual public discipline. Give your child home training – Femi Adediran, 2020

Children learn more from your action rather than your words. Be mindful of what you do in the presence of your children, it’s a training in sessions – Femi Adediran, 2020

School training should not be confused for home training. The home can be school (learning Place) but The school cannot be a home (Training Place) – Femi Adediran, 2020

Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverb 22:6. The easiest way to rebuild our nation and salvage the future of the world is to train up our children. It’s a lot easier to train up a child than to rebuild a nation. When children are left on their own to figure things out, we are only setting up ourselves for troubles we  not be able to handle. Every child is a clay waiting to be molded by the potter -the parent.

To a larger extent, the destiny of our children lies in our hands as parents because parents are “gods”. If we realize it. A trained child is an arrow shot into the future. There is no better weapon than a trained child.

  • To fight poverty, Train up your child
  • To fight corruption, Train up your child
  • To fight insecurity, Train up your child
  • To fight mediocrity, Train up your child
  • To fight Injustice, Train up your child

School training should not be confused for home training. The home can be school (learning Place) but The school cannot be a home (Training Place). Effective training is by influence. We must hold ourselves up high enough that our children will see reasons to follow us. Every parent is a steward of influence for their children either for good or bad. Every parent have a God given mandate to mold the lives on their hands, to train up their children spiritually, Physically, Financially, Emotionally and in every area possible to prepare them for life and living.

Training Our children must be deliberate. Training our children must be by conscious efforts. Do not leave it to chance else you  never be chanced

  • The trained child is a phenomenon
  • The trained child is an enigma
  • The trained child is a dynamo
  • The Trained child is a weapon
  • The Trained child is an instrument
  • The Trained child is an ambassador
  • The Trained is a force

Whether we choose to train our children or not, they will grow up trained one way or the other either for war of for peace. The child that you love is the child that you train. Sound training is borne out of genuine love for our children. Nothing can be more shameful than a child who disgrace his parent. The breakthrough of the world is the breakthrough with a child

If the world have destiny at all, it is the destiny of the child. We hardly give up on the person we love.  love your children enough not to give up on training them. In training your children, relate with them as they can be not just as they are. They will grow up faster becoming as projected. Children learn more from your action rather than your words. Be mindful of what you do in the presence of your children, it’s a training in session. In training your children, be more affirmative when talking with then. This will boost their confidence. If you don’t train up your own child, someone else will sure do it for you. And you  not like the result

Training up a child  be difficult, but it can be most rewarding. The change we long to see in the world can only begin with us and with a properly trained child. To avoid eventual public discipline. Give your child home training. To train a child we must both be patient and be consistent

If you want to see a safer world. Go back home and train your children. The only way to confirm that you have done a good job at training your children is to feel comfortable when you see them “leave”. Children are not for keep after all but to release them to slug it out in a world full of too many uncertainties.

 Femi Adediran…olufire Nooni

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