The Selfish Heart and the Selfish Act

We are not selfish because we do not have enough, we become selfish because we lost sight of our abundance – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Selfishness is what makes us compete unnecessarily, it is what makes us fight battles that do not exist – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

There is no difference between a poor man and a selfish man. They both have nothing to give – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Everything is enough until we think everything must be for us – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The Selfish Heart and the Selfish ActThe most beautiful life is a life lived for others – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Selfishness is an emptiness of the heart. The abundance in your hand can only be an abundance in your life if it was first an abundance in your heart. What we have is not what is in our hands but what is in our hearts – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The selfish thinks everything must revolve around him. He expects everyone to be broke when he is broke. He expects the World to stop in its orbit simply because he got stuck, forgetting that millions have got stuck and the earth has not stopped in its rotation – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Those who are selfish are not only those who have everything and are not willing to share but also those who have nothing and wish no one else have – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The heart of a selfish man is too small to accommodate others;

  • A selfish spouse never sees the good in his partner
  • A selfish father finds it hard to take responsibility for his own children
  • A selfish leader will rather be comfortable than sacrifice for his followers
  • A selfish friend will never be on the lookout for the good of his friend

Selfishness lives in our hearts before it shows in our actions.

Selfishness will shrink the heart until it can no longer accommodate the selfish

The path of selfishness is the path of self-destruction

Selfishness is what makes us compete unnecessarily, it is what makes us fight battles that do not exist.

If you can compete with your own self and win. You have won the most crucial battle, the battle over self.

The most beautiful life is a life lived for others.

A selfish man is a potential thief any day. He will do anything to maintain his “good looks” even if it will be at the detriment of his brother.

There is no other reason why people steal other than selfishness.

The selfish thinks everything must revolve around him. He expects everyone to be broke when he is broke. He expects the World to stop in its orbit simply because he got stuck, forgetting that millions have got stuck and the earth has not stopped in its rotation.The Selfish Heart and the Selfish Act

When we become self-focused, we become self-conscious and our performance can only be self-gratifying, pleasing ourselves alone and no one else.

Those who are selfish are not only those who have everything and are not willing to share but also those who have nothing and wish no one else has.

Selfishness is an emptiness of the heart. The abundance in your hand can only be an abundance in your life if it was first an abundance in your heart. What we have is not what is in our hands but what is in our hearts.

The richest are those who are able to give out of the “abundance of nothing”.

When your heart is empty, it doesn’t matter how full your pocket is, you cannot give.

A selfish heart is never a grateful heart.

The selfish man is always overwhelmed by scarcity. He thinks nothing can be enough.

A selfish man is at the center of his own world, the smallest world ever.

It’s a difficult task for a selfish man to genuinely care about others, he thinks it’s a waste of resources

  • A Selfish man finds it hard to part with his money
  • A selfish man cannot love genuinely
  • A selfish man cannot share his time

Whatever a selfish man does, must be “with benefits”.

The Selfish Heart and the Selfish ActThere is no difference between a poor man and a selfish man. They both have nothing to give.

To break free from poverty, spirit, soul, and body, you must overcome selfishness. “The poor” are the most greedy.

We are not selfish because we do not have enough, we become selfish because we lost sight of our abundance.

Everything is enough until we think everything must be for us.

Greed is the mother of selfishness. A greedy man lives in poverty amidst plenty. Selfishness is a “greed borne disease”.

A selfish man is blind. He cannot see the goods around him.

Selfish people are complainers. They complain about everything.

Selfish people are users, they want to use everybody for their personal gain.

In the end, selfish people are losers because they will lose everything including everything.

You must get to a point where nothing is too big for you to part with. It is the highway to be free and be freed from selfishness.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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