The Seed And The Fruit: Understanding The Difference

When your seed is under the ground. Be careful not to expose its life with your mouth. We all face this temptation every day, to explain what is going on in our life when nothing seems to be happening.  Transition can be embarrassing. Avoid complaining, avoid explaining. Just focus on nurturing your fruit and your result will do the explanation and make the announcement – Femi Adediran, 2021

Every beauty was birth by some kind of ugliness. Each time a beautiful thing catch your fancy, look for the black birth pot. Learn from the story behind the glory you see – Femi Adediran, 2021

No matter how sweet the fruit from other people’s seed might be. Nothing is sweeter than eating your own fruit. Resolve not to be a liability on others fruits. Find your own seed, plant it, nurture it with prayers and patience. And you will soon be planting more seeds and helping others to do same – Femi Adediran, 2021

How time flies! The best time to plant a seed is today and the next best time is Now! The best time to invest is now. The best time to go to school is now. The best time to write is now. The best time to dance is now. The best time to pray is now. The best time to train your children in discipline is now. The best time to make the move is now. Even when you make mistakes, you are no longer where you used to be. Plant your seed today, even now – Femi Adediran, 2021

You must understand the principle of time interplay in between seed planting and fruit harvesting. Some seed grows into fruits over months. Some will take years to develop. Its about the fruit you are expecting . If you must not be frustrated , you must understand your time interplay so you can remain thankful and ” tankful” through the process  – Femi Adediran, 2021

  • Money is a seed: Money is a fruit
  • Time is a seed: Time is a fruit
  • Children are fruits: Children are seeds
  • Relationship is a seed: Relationship is a fruit
  • Your job is a seed: Your job is a fruit
  • Your career is a seed: Your career is fruit
  • Sleep is a seed: Sleep is a fruit

Whatever you have right now is either a fruit or a seed, it’s up to you to determine. For whatever you desire to get in your life, there is always a seed that must be planted. You must do due diligence to know what must go underground if you must eventually have a place “over ground”. Every beauty was birth by some kind of ugliness. Each time a beautiful thing catch your fancy, look for the black birth pot. Learn from the story behind the glory you see.

If you love crowd recognition, then you must be willing to sow fruit in loneliness. When you stay so long alone, planting your seed, the World will see your fruit and look for you. Something are no longer remediable or reversible because their seed is lost already. You will never be able to eat some fruit (whose seed had become lost) except by miracle and by mercy. You can make it to the throne, if you are willing to carry your own cross. Everything and anything that has a fruit has a seed. If you desire any output in your life, stop daydreaming and start looking for the input function. If you desire a fruit in your life, look for its seed and plant it, that is how to get the fruit.

How time flies! The best time to plant a seed is today and the next best time is Now! The best time to invest is now. The best time to go to school is now. The best time to write is now. The best time to dance is now. The best time to pray is now. The best time to train your children in discipline is now. The best time to make the move is now. Even when you make mistakes, you are no longer where you used to be. Plant your seed today, even now.

There is only one route up, it is the route down South. The only shortcut up is the downward hilly lane. Greatness is always encapsulated in a seed. We all must take a study in seed planting and nurturing if we must see the reality of our dreams. There is no fruit we cannot eat, if we are willing to plant its seed

You must understand the principle of time interplay in between seed planting and fruit harvesting. Some seed grows into fruits over months. Some will take years to develop. Its about the kind of fruit you planted and the kind of fruit you are expecting. If you must not be frustrated, you must understand your time interplay so you can remain thankful and “tankful” through the process. When your seed is under the ground. Be careful not to expose its life with your mouth. We all face this temptation every day, to explain what is going on in our life when nothing seems to be happening.  Transition can be embarrassing. Avoid complaining, avoid explaining. Just focus on nurturing your fruit and your result will do the explanation and make the announcement.

No matter how sweet the fruit from other people’s seed might be. Nothing is sweeter than eating your own fruit. Resolve not to be a liability on others fruits. Find your own seed, plant it, nurture it with prayers and patience. And you will soon be planting more seeds and helping others to do same.

What is your Seed?

  • Your seed is your commitment to the production of your fruit
  • Your seed is the cooking pot for the food you have been mandated by destiny to serve
  • Your seed is the sacrifice of discipline for the realization of your heart desire
  • Your seed is what you want to give up so you can go up
  • Your seed is the little you are willing to part with so you can get abundance
  • Your seed is the death you must die so you can eventually live
  • Your seed is the limited you must give so you can have the unlimited.

 Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni


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