The Practice in the Dark (ii)

Don’t just show up. Practice. Practice is what makes the pro  – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The Place of alignment is in the darkroom of practice. When you are properly aligned, you will be rightly assigned. Your alignment will make clear your assignment and fast track your fulfillment – Femi Adediran, 2020.

To come to the “limelight”, you must willingly submit to the “dim light” – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Nobody becomes master by chance but by constant practice. And if you become master by chance, you can only maintain it by practice, constant practice – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Your making or breaking is in the practice place and not on the performance stage – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Practice when it is convenient. Practice when it is not convenient. Practice when you can see clearly. Practice when you cannot see clearly. It is your practice that will attract your reality – Femi Adediran, 2020.

No man performs better than his own practice and even where you think you had performed better than your practice, you have actually practiced than you performed. Practice prepare you ahead of your big day. Don’t just show up – practice. Practice is what makes the pro.

  • Practice reduce your error rate
  • Practice is prequalifying yourself for the gold medal
  • Practice with your audience in mind

Soliloquy, speak to yourself, there is life in it. Your monologue will prepare you for your dialogue. The Place of alignment is in the dark room of practice. When you are properly aligned, you will be rightly assigned. Your alignment will make clear your assignment and fast track your fulfillment. The better you are at practice, the better you become in performance

Do not struggle to be in the “light place”. Work hard, “practice hard” in the dark place and the “light place” will naturally become your “owned place”. The front stage is not maximized until we have maximized the “back stage”, the practice place. Fulfillment is about input at the back end and not necessarily about what is done at the front end. We become masters not on the performance stage but in the dark room of practice place

You  need a thousand days of practice to become fit for one day of glory. Pay your dues. Nobody becomes master by chance but by constant practice. And if you become master by chance, you can only maintain it by practice – constant practice. You are not qualified for the stage until you have passed in the “practice place”. The real reason we fail in the market place is because we failed in the “practice place”.

Anybody and everybody can shine on the mountain if only we are willing to pay the price of practice in the valley of the practice place

Confidence comes by practice. The better you are at practice, the less worried you become about performance. Your making or breaking is in the practice place and not on the performance stage. Practice is not just for actor and actresses, it is for evey man (and woman) who wants to be seen on the screen of life. Practice is for every man who wants to be great. The old adage : Practice makes perfect is still as truthful as the truth itself.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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