The Practice in the Dark (i)

Practice is not just for actor and actresses, it is for every man (and woman) who wants to be seen on the big screen of life. Practice is for every man who wants to be great – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Celebrated champions have one “open secret”, it is the practice in the dark – Femi Adediran,  2020.

If you will embrace the discipline of practice, you can wear the crown of champion – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Practice can only be by discipline because it is usually a journey of “No crowd” – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Your practice will eventually become your reality – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The real reason we fail in the marketplace is that we failed in the “practice place” – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We become masters not on the performance stage but in the darkroom of practice place – Femi Adediran, 2020.

You need a thousand days of practice to become fit for one day of glory. Pay your dues – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Do not struggle to be in the “light place”. Work hard, “practice hard” in the dark place and the “light place” will naturally become your “owned place” – Femi Adediran, 2020.

  • The Dark Room is the Stack Room
  • The Dark Room is the Tack Room
  • The Dark Room is the Ark Room

Practice, they say makes perfect. We are stripped of imperfections in the place of practice. Celebrated champions have one “open secret”, it is the practice in the dark. If you will embrace the discipline of practice, you can wear the crown of champion. Practice can only be by discipline because it is usually a journey of “No crowd”. To come to the “limelight”, you must willingly submit to the “dim light”.

The production room of champion is the dark room of lone practice characterized by loneliness and boredom. The one way to overcome loneliness and boredom is to come of the dark room of practice perfected in preparedness for your assignment. Whatever your heart desire is, whatever your vision is, The practice place in the Dark Room is where to develop their wings.

Those who practice long enough in the dark room will soon enjoy the stage floodlight in the limelight. We can only be as perfect as our own practice. We miss out on celebration because we missed out on the dark room preparation. By practice we are made for the light in the dark. Practice your desire, practice your vision when no one is watching so you can soon become the watched

Practice when it is convenient. Practice when it is not convenient. Practice when you can see clearly. Practice when you cannot see clearly. It is your practice that will attract your reality

  • Your practice will eventually become your reality.
  • Your practice will give clarity to your vision
  • Your practice will design and align your mentality

The more you practice, the better your performance. We are product of our own practice, either good or bad. Good practice, good product. Bad practice, bad product

  • Practice being a CEO
  • Practice Public Speaking
  • Practice being a good spouse
  • Practice being a good father
  • Practice before your wedding day
  • Practice being the best student at school study
  • Practice your speech before invisible audience
  • Practice your walk as a rich man even while you are still poor
  • Practice anything and everything including your smile as a CEO

Practice when no one is watching so you can become the watched soon. Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!

To be continued…

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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