The Power of Association

Associations are miracle place! Belong to one – Femi Adediran,  2020

You can only be at your best in the right company – Femi Adediran,  2020

If you really want to fly, be in the right Association, we easily develop wings when we are in the right company – Femi Adediran,  2020

Your destiny is too important to be in the wrong Association – Femi Adediran, 2020

Life is too short to be in the wrong Association  – Femi Adediran, 2020

We are as poor as the Association we do not keep and as rich as the Association we keep – Femi Adediran, 2020

There are times we don’t believe in ourselves, that is why it is important to be where others believe in you – Femi Adediran, 2020

Stay where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated. Celebration will give wing to your potential. You will soon be suffocated where you are tolerated! – Femi Adediran, 2020

Vision will die in the wrong atmosphere – Femi Adediran, 2020

Your destiny is too important to be in the wrong Association. Life is too short to be in the wrong Association. Your life can only be a reflection of your Association . We become as people we associate with because Association is transfer of life. Jim Rohn once said and I quote : ” You become like the five people you spend time with”

We get into Association either by default or by decision. By default because we made no choice. By decision because we made a choice. Every Association is leading you to a destination. Don’t be a bandwagon. Choose a company that fits your destiny. Decisions to belong to an Association should be personal because consequences are personal

We all must belong to an Association, our personal circle of reference and influence, because isolation can only result in desolation. You cannot go too far without an Association. Marriage becomes essential because of the power of Association. You can only go as far in a company. We are as poor as the Association we do not keep and as rich as the Association we keep.

Our future is in the Association we keep. The people you surround yourself with are your security in the turbulent journey of life. Life can only be as interesting and as boring as the Association you belong to. If they are not facing your direction, don’t waste your time hanging out with them. Association is a transfer of energy – either negative or positive. Happiness  can be a choice, the company you keep influences that choice

You can hardly do better than the Association you keep because you are a product of your Association. If you really want to fly, be in the right Association, we easily develop wings when we are in the right company. It’s a negative world, you need the right Association to stay positive. Associations are miracle place. Belong to one.

There are times we don’t believe in ourselves, that is why it is important to be where others believe in you. The only way to get better is to stay with people who are better than you and not with people who are bitter about you. The less you associate with “some people”, the better your life would be. If you get stucked in any way, check your Association

Some Association are catalyst while some are inhibitors, be wise enough to know the difference. No matter how good you are when you are in a bad Association, you can only become as bad. Evil communication corrupt good manner. Evil Association can only corrupt and destroy a good man. When the Association is evil, destruction is imminent

  • Right Association will help you deliver on your life mandate
  • Right Association encourages
  • Right Association motivates
  • Right Association will drive your vision

Vision will die in the wrong atmosphere. Your Association will either “make you up” or “break you down”. It will either take you up or bring you down. Your life can only be as beautiful as the Association you keep. We are as limited as our Association. Your Association is your Network and your Network is your net worth per time

If the Association you belong is not taking you where you are going, withdraw your membership. Sentiments can be destiny destructive. You must both be decisive and be selective about your Association. An iron in the midst of wood will soon become rusty. Iron can only Sharpen iron. You can only be at your best in the right company.

Every Association carries air of life or death. Wrong Association  not kill so fast but it sure kill so well. Be warned! Associations are either “springboard” or “sinkbed”. Associations are linkages or disconnector. Your Association will either link you to or disconnect you from your destiny. Be careful who you associate with. Stay where you are celebrated not where you are tolerated. Celebration will give wing to your potential. You will soon be suffocated where you are tolerated!

To become great, you must be able to live above sentiments and be bold enough to walk away from toxic Associations. It might be lonely for a while but it’s just a matter of time, the true map of your heart will soon find your right company.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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