The Making Of A Nation: Investment in People in the Making of a Nation

Nothing will change in our Education system until Government children start attending government schools – Femi Adediran,  2020

The best schools in any nation ever should be government schools and not private schools, this is simply because the government knows better and has the capacity to make available the best facilities to educate her own people. But where the reverse is the case, it is a case of pitiable sorrowful absurdity! – Femi Adediran,  2020

The easiest way to build any nation is to build her people -Femi Adediran, 2020

A nation biggest investment should be in her children and youths, not because they are the leaders of tomorrow but because they are the “pillars” that MUST not fail. When a nation does not have a protracted developmental programmes for her children and youths, such nation is not only headed towards “many troubles” but will soon become inhabitable for any living things – Femi Adediran, 2020

The poor man is not he whose pocket is empty but the man whose mind is void of knowledge – Femi Adediran, 2020

Any leader of any nation that is not confident to send his own children to “government schools” but send his own children to schools of other nations where their leaders make adequate facilities for learning available even in “government schools” is not fit to lead in such a nation. Such leaders should be voted out immediately because they will never be able to feel the pain of mediocrity coming out of “government schools” built for “common man” – Femi Adediran, 2020

National independence is nothing until it becomes personal independence through sound “Education of the people” – Femi Adediran, 2020

I think a part of our National constitution should mandate people in government to send their children to government school else they should not attempt political post. It should become a criminal offense for people in government to send their children to go to school in another government country – Femi Adediran,  2020

Until Education becomes our National priority, Poverty and insecurity will forever remain our National identity – Femi Adediran, 2020

Education is not just about classroom learning, it is also about skill acquisition, trade apprenticeship and anything that enhances a man’s mind and not just his pocket – Femi Adediran, 2020

The easiest way to build any nation is to build her people. A nation biggest asset is her people. A nation biggest concern should also be her people. Fix the people and the nation becomes fixed. Knowledge is power. The way to empower the people of a nation is to “teach them to know”. The weakest form of government is that where the “power” lies with the leader and not the follower. The man that is free is the man that knows. The man that knows is the man that is free

When the leaders knows and the followers does not know. It is the followers that does not know that will kill the leaders that knows because of what they(the followers)does not know.  Any leader that want to be “alive” to lead should make the education of her people a top priority. The most powerful nations are the nations with “knowledgeable” citizens and not just “knowledgeable” leaders. A nation biggest investment should be in her children and youths, not because they are the leaders of tomorrow but because they are the “pillars” that MUST not fail. When a nation does not have a protracted developmental programmes for her children and youths, such nation is not only headed towards “many troubles” but will soon become inhabitable for any living things.

The best schools in any nation ever should be government schools and not private schools, this is simply because government knows better and has the capacity to make available the best facilities to educate her own people. But where the reverse is the case, it is a case of pitiable sorrowful absurdity! Any leader of any nation that is not confident to send his own children to “government schools” but send his own children to schools of other nations where their leaders make adequate facilities for learning available even in “government schools” is not fit to lead in such a nation. Such leaders should be voted out immediately because they will never be able to feel the pain of mediocrity coming out of “government schools” built for “common man”.

Nothing will change in our Education system until Government children start attending government schools. I think a part of our National constitution should mandate people in government to send their children to government school else they should not attempt political post. It should become a criminal offense for people in government to send their children to go to school in another government country. An independent nation is that nation whose people “know” the difference between their right and their left and they can fearlessly express what they know.

National independence is nothing until it becomes personal independence through sound “Education of the people”. Political portfolio will perpetually become the ambition of an average citizen of this nation until they can be refocused and redirected by sound education. It is a disgraceful show of mediocrity to think that it is by stealing and perversion of judgment that a man can become “enriched”

The poor man is not he whose pocket is empty but the man whose mind is void of knowledge. A nation is as poor as her own people no matter the abundance of her natural resources. The people makes the nation, the nation does not make the people. Education is not just about classroom learning, it is also about skill acquisition, trade apprenticeship and anything that enhances a man’s mind and not just his pocket. Until Education becomes our National priority, Poverty and insecurity will forever remain our National identity

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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