The Ingrate

To have “Something”, be grateful for “Nothing” – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

To the ingrate, nothing is ever “suitable”, nothing is ever “pleasant”, the sun is always “too cold” and the rain is always “too hot” – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

If you want to know the distance between the Bed top and the floor, ask the sick man who is struggling to get out of bed. Be Grateful
-Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The ungrateful is always living in poverty no matter how “rich” he is. The ungrateful man is too focused on his curses to realize how blessed he is – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Our grade is in our gratefulness. The easiest path to Greatness is to remain perpetually grateful – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Blessings are multiplied by Gratitude and so are curses when we do not know how to count our Blessings – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The Ingrate

To the ingrate, nothing is ever “suitable”, nothing is ever “pleasant”, the sun is always “too cold” and the rain is always “too hot”.

We don’t experience “big Breakthroughs” because we took “small Breakthroughs” for granted.

The ingrates are always living with feelings of frustration because their souls are never satisfied.

Our grade is in our gratefulness. The easiest path to Greatness is to remain perpetually grateful.

Be Great Today. Be Grateful.

Little drops of water can only become a mighty ocean only if we are grateful for the “little drops”.

If you want to know the distance between the Bed top and the floor, ask the sick man who is struggling to get out of bed. Be Grateful.

Whatever we are grateful for becomes a blessing. And our blessings can be cursed when we fail in gratitude.

To have “Something”, be grateful for “Nothing”.

The IngrateYou cannot be ungrateful and be great at the same time.

Blessings are multiplied by Gratitude and so are curses when we do not know how to count our Blessings.

The ungrateful is always living in poverty no matter how “rich” he is. The ungrateful man is too focused on his curses to realize how blessed he is.

To improve on your life grade, improve on your life gratitude.

Until we are Grateful for life, we will have to perpetually deal with the intimidation of death.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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