Everything started with NOTHING. Even the world started with NOTHING. NOTHING is always the beginning of a new world, beginning of a new experience, beginning of a new dawn. When you are down to NOTHING, It is time to watch out for SOMETHING new. Be Grateful for NOTHING!

The man who is on the ground is not afraid of falling. It is those on elevated floor that should be mindful of their steps. We cannot be humble and stumble at the same time.

Poverty is not essentially about what we have or do not have, poverty is about the emptiness in our soul. No amount of riches can satisfy an empty soul

We do not become NOTHING because we are empty, we become NOTHING when we think we are full.

Until we have experienced NOTHING, we may not appreciate SOMEHING.

We cant be full and not be a fool. Wise ones are empty ones.

Poverty is not essentially about what we have or do not have, poverty is about the emptiness in our soul. No amount of riches can satisfy an empty soul

The man who is on the ground is not afraid of falling. It is those on elevated floor that should be mindful of their steps. We cannot be humble and stumble at the same time

Until we have experienced NOTHING, we may not appreciate SOMEHING.

Each time we get to a NOTHING points, it is always a starting point.

NOTHING is an opportunity to start SOMETHING.

NOTHING is an opportunity to fill empty space with SOMETHING. Its up to each one of us to fill appropriately.

We do not become NOTHING because we are empty, we become NOTHING when we think we are full.

Everything started with NOTHING. Even the world started with NOTHING. NOTHING is always the beginning of a new world, beginning of a new experience, beginning of a new dawn. When you are down to NOTHING, It is time to watch out for SOMETHING new. Be Grateful for NOTHING!

When you think you have come to a NOTHING Point, it is time to watch out for a transition.

If we all can learn to be satisfied even when we have NOTHING, Happiness will be our daily experience. We do not become happy because we have everything. We are happy because even when we have nothing, we choose to enjoy everything!

The only way to experience tomorrow is to empty ourselves of today. Today must leave so tomorrow can come in.