Stop the Complain!

Complainers are never happy. Do not join the bandwagon! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Be grateful for the little you have, the ungrateful has never been graded among the Great! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

When you complain about money, you won’t have it
When you complain about your health, you will always have to show up at the hospital
When you complain about your job, you will never be happy doing it and might even lose the job altogether.
What we complain about becomes our domain, our restriction, our limitation! – Femi Adediran, October 2021

Most complainers live beggarly simply because complaining will close your eyes to your opportunities and make you live pitifully depending solely on what others can do for you – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

What we complain about most is always out of reach. Until the language change, the situation may not change no matter how hard we pray or work – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Be grateful for the little you have, the ungrateful has never been graded among the Great!Stop the Complain

Your complaint is your confession and your confession will eventually become your possession.

What we complain about most times is what becomes our pain at all times.

Split the word complain into two, it becomes ” ‘Common’-Plain’ “: As long as you keep complaining, the common pain will always be your regular gain.

What we complain about most is always out of reach. Until the language change, the situation may not change no matter how hard we pray or work.

Even if you don’t have it, be positive in your confession. You can only possess what you confess.

It is so easy to complain. Complaining can become an obsession which easily leads to depression.

Complaining is an attitude. Thanksgiving is an attitude. The former takes you down South. The latter takes you up North.

When you complain about money, you won’t have it
When you complain about your health, you will always have to show up at the hospital
When you complain about your job, you will never be happy doing it and might even lose the job altogetherStop the complain
What we complain about becomes our domain, our restriction, our limitation!

Rather than complaint, say; “I am hopeful this and that will get better”, and be thankful for your “dirty dishes”

Nobody likes whoever complains about them, we gradually withdraw from those who complain about us. Everything you complain about will gradually and eventually leave you alone.

Most complainers live beggarly simply because complaining will close your eyes to your opportunities and make you live pitifully depending solely on what others can do for you.

Complainers are never happy. Do not join the bandwagon!

Limit your complaint about people else you will attract more of the people you complain about and you will always lose these people in the end

The next time you feel tempted to complain, count your blessings, count them again until you become addicted to thanksgiving!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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