Stinking Thinking

To think that there is no way out; It is stinking thinking

To think that because you are down, you are also out; It is stinking thinking

To think that your spouse is dumb; It is stinking thinking

To think that you can pull others down to go up; It is stinking thinking

To think that because you once failed, you cannot pass again; It is stinking thinking

To think that your battle is stronger than you are; It is stinking thinking

To think that the sun wont shine again; It is stinking thinking

To think that there is no light at the end of the tunnel; It is stinking thinking

To think that you are without help; It is stinking thinking

To think that giving up is the only option; It is stinking thinking

To think that you are the most troubled; It is stinking thinking

To think that all that glitters is gold; It is stinking thinking

To think that nobody loves and cares about you; It is stinking thinking

To think that you are not smart enough; It is stinking thinking

To think that you are not good enough;
It is Stinking thinking

To think that your children are no good; It is stinking thinking

To think that you are a failure; It is Stinking thinking

To think that you are ugly; It is Stinking Thinking

To think that nothing good will ever come out of your life; It is stinking thinking

To think that you will never amount to anything; It is Stinking Thinking

90% of our problems emanated from our thoughts. 90% of the solution can only come from our thoughts

Our life process is no different from our thought process

You will soon be a living witness if you are in the thinking process
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