Stay Sweet

Sweetness is an aura, we smell good with it – Femi Adediran, 2020

Staying sweet is about making people feel comfortable around and with you even when you are not comfortable with yourself – Femi Adediran, 2020

Staying sweet is about staying strong, staying happy, staying encouraged for others. It’s about being a shoulder to lean on even where you have none – Femi Adediran, 2020

What makes us bitter is capable of  making us better. We must make deliberate choice between bitterness and “betterness” – Femi Adediran, 2020

There are times that all the courage we ever got are from the smiles of others – Femi Adediran, 2020

You will have one thousand and one reason to be bitter, find one reason to stay sweet – Femi Adediran,  2020

It’s a bitter world, Stay Sweet. Bitterness is an ugly plague, virtually everyone is fighting with it. What makes us bitter is capable of making us better. We must make a deliberate choice between bitterness and “betterness”. Things will get at you, be careful not to get at others, transferring aggression unnecessarily.

  • Staying sweet is a deliberate decision to stay calm amidst chaos.
  • Staying sweet is about making people feel comfortable around and with you even when you are not comfortable with yourself
  • Staying sweet is about smiling for others even when you are crying
  • Staying sweet is about giving people reason(s) to want to talk with you
  • Staying sweet is about making people leave with a good memory of you
  • Staying sweet is about staying strong, staying happy, staying encouraged for others. It’s about being a shoulder to lean on even where you have none

 How to stay sweet?

  • Smile always
  • Be nice
  • Be of help
  • Be gentle
  • Sing off-key
  • Stay approachable
  • Stay friendly
  • Be a good listener
  • Have a good smile
  • Focus less on errors of others
  • Be an encourager

Make sweetness your fragrance and you will attract sweet things of life. Sweetness is like honey with numerous benefits. In all you do, be dogged to keep your sweetness intact, this is one way to last in the race of life

  • In your struggles, stay sweet
  • In your troubles, stay sweet
  • In your hardship, stay sweet
  • Stay Sweet for your family,
  • Stay sweet for your friends,
  • Stay sweet for your spouse
  • Stay sweet for your kids

There are times that all the courage we ever got is from the smiles of others. Smile, so others can be encouraged too. Sweetness is an aura, we smell good with it. You will have one thousand and one reasons to be bitter, find one reason to stay sweet

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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