Set Your Priorities Right

Success may not be magical, but with the right priorities in place, we may become “Magicians”- Femi Adediran, September 2021.

There are no dreams that cannot be fulfilled. There is no success that can not be achieved.

Nothing is beyond reach if only we would set our priorities right – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

No matter how brilliant you are, you are no different from a Dullard if you don’t know how to prioritize – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

When priority is wrong, the possibility becomes probability – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

If you do not want to live by chance, prioritize your living -Femi Adediran, September 2021.

  • There are no dreams that cannot be fulfilled
  • There is no success that cannot be achieved
  • Nothing is beyond reach if only we would set our priorities right

Success may not be magical, but with the right priorities in place, we may become “Magicians”.

If you know the Alphabet ABC, you can prioritize.

Ask those who prioritize, the distance to their destination is always short.

If you do not want to live by chance, prioritize your living.

Set Your Priorities RightIf you can do first thing, first first, other things will naturally find their place.

When we fail to prioritize, we end up becoming a “Major in Minor” and “Minor in Major”

First thing first, last thing last, prioritize.

If you want to be ahead, prioritize.

If you want to increase your speed, prioritize.

Those who do not prioritize always end up looking up to those who do.

When priority is wrong, the possibility becomes a probability.

Every successful man will tell you that priority is key.

No matter how brilliant you are, you are no different from Dullard if you don’t know how to prioritize.

Prioritizing will save you from “guessing your way” in the journey of life.

Prioritizing will help you to differentiate between your opportunity cost (perceived needs) and your real need.

When you realize your priorities, you will choose your friends more carefully, you will choose your Association more wisely and you will choose your company more intelligently.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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