Blind Spots

Blindness is not synonymous with blind spot but a blind spot not properly checked can eventually turn a man blind – Femi Adediran, 2020. There is more hope for a blind man who knows and checks his blind spot than for a man with full sight who does not know and who does not check…

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Failed Parenthood

Parenthood is not just a duty but a life assignment. We remain parent from “their birth” till “our death” – Femi Adediran, 2020 Effective “policing of our community” can only be by the parents and not by the “man in police uniform” who also needs “parent policing” – Femi Adediran, 2020 We fail because we…

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Be Wise

There are “food” you MUST NOT eat, Not because they are bad but because they will eventually poison your spirit, your soul, and your body -Femi Adediran, December 2021. There are things you MUST NOT say, NOT because you do not know how to say them or you are afraid to say them but because…

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You must understand the necessity of the “cut-off point” so you can make the “cut-off mark” – Femi Adediran, July 2021. Don’t become too attached that you miss out on the blessing of detachment – Femi Adediran, July 2021. Those who are afraid of separation may never see the light of their destination – Femi…

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