Encourage The Fathers

When fathers are encouraged, it only result in one thing – Miracles! -Femi Adediran,  2020 Every father you meet is struggling with something…Fathers are fighters, encourage them to win – Femi Adediran, 2020 The frustration of the fathers is not the battle they face per se. The frustration of most fathers is that no one…

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The Boot Camp

Schools are for studies, homes are for training. Mind the difference – Femi Adediran, November 2021. The home is the place to train for everything including “How to use the restroom”- Femi Adediran, November 2021. Training may not be easy but it is what makes our life easy – Femi Adediran, November 2021. The most…

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The Benefit of Doubt

The Benefits of Doubt

Your biggest act of bravery is to give yourself the benefits of the doubt…To Trust yourself, To love yourself, To give yourself a chance, To push yourself, to do all you can to let YOU benefit from your own doubt. – Femi Adediran, June 2021.  Trust people until they prove they are not trustworthy. Love…

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The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death

We can talk about classes and races on the mountain. It is in the valley we know and understand the commonality of life – Femi Adediran,  2020 In the valley of the shadow of death, the rich is not at an advantage over the poor. Sickness is sickness. Disease is disease. Failure is failure –…

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Fathers On The Run

 *It is gross betrayal of trust for fathers to be irresponsible!*  – Femi Adediran, June 2022  *Every father must have a vision for their home else fatherhood becomes a clueless assignment*  – Femi Adediran, June 2022  *It is both Great and Grave to be a father*  – Femi Adediran, June 2022  *If you are not…

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The Problem Child

The grass is not greener anywhere, we all must learn to cultivate our own garden and dress our own field – Femi Adediran, 2020 Prayer is good, but when your heart and act is in variance with your prayer points, you have only been engaged in lips excercise . Prayers only works when your HEART…

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