How Old are You?

We “become old” not because of our age but because of our “cage” – Femi Adediran, September 2021. Sometimes, the Phrase “How old are you?” Is not necessarily a question about your age but about your relevance, about your ability to “fit into a trend”, about whether you are strong enough to shoulder responsibilities, about…

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Dancing in the Rain

When we wait too long for the storm to pass, we  have missed the opportunity to dance in the rain – Femi Adediran, 2020. Life is as beautiful as the beautiful choices we make even at ugly moments – Femi Adediran, 2020. Life is too short to miss the fun of the moment – Femi Adediran, 2020. Every…

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Believe the Process

To Believe is to act as if we cannot fail! – Femi Adediran, March 2022. Find or establish a process of realizing your vision, then believe it. You are the primary Believer in the journey of your destiny, every other Believer is secondary – Femi Adediran, March 2022 The Reality is never dawn on us…

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Our most potent expressions are the indelible impression we make on others heart. If you must express it at all, make it a heartfelt impression beyond what the eyes can see – Femi Adediran, 2020. Be careful of the impressions you make on others, because your Impression is your Final word! – Femi Adediran, 2020….

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In Transit (Aníbiírè)

You can become anything but don’t become comfortable anywhere. Vision is progressive. When you have vision, you are never comfortable anywhere notwithstanding the comfort -Femi Adediran, 2020 Every position, every top, every peak is only a passage for us. We are always in transit – Femi Adediran, 2020 A man who does not realize he…

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