Set Your Priorities Right

Success may not be magical, but with the right priorities in place, we may become “Magicians”- Femi Adediran, September 2021. There are no dreams that cannot be fulfilled. There is no success that can not be achieved. Nothing is beyond reach if only we would set our priorities right – Femi Adediran, September 2021. No…

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The Game Changer

Because Game can change at any time, remain humble, Because Game can change at any time, remain hopeful, Because Game can change at any time, remain friendly Because Game can change at any time, look down on no one and look up to no one except God, Because Game can change at any time, remain…

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Encourage The Fathers

When fathers are encouraged, it only result in one thing – Miracles! -Femi Adediran,  2020 Every father you meet is struggling with something…Fathers are fighters, encourage them to win – Femi Adediran, 2020 The frustration of the fathers is not the battle they face per se. The frustration of most fathers is that no one…

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Be Skillful

Even when you have the best job, have a skill, learn a trade. Learn to do something with your own hand that nobody would have to tell you how to do it. It is one way to keep yourself employed for life – Femi Adediran, 2020 A man’s skill will make a way for him…

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Face Your Front

We all have struggles, but if you must struggle with anything at all, let it not be with yesterday because you were not born yesterday you are only born at this moment. With each passing moments, we become new born baby with each passing moment comes new chances and new opportunities. So, face your front…

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Believe the Process

To Believe is to act as if we cannot fail! – Femi Adediran, March 2022. Find or establish a process of realizing your vision, then believe it. You are the primary Believer in the journey of your destiny, every other Believer is secondary – Femi Adediran, March 2022 The Reality is never dawn on us…

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