Leading Effectively

Focus on getting better and not getting bigger. Bigger does not necessarily mean better. When you get better, you will naturally get bigger -Femi Adediran, February 2022. We are all leaders, either born or made. The difference is in who accepts the responsibility to lead. That is why a portfolio or position does not translate…

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In the final analysis, a man can sincerely fail in life! Why? Because he sincerely went in the wrong direction going further away from his X and Y coordinate – Femi Adediran, 2020 Crossroads usually “non- familiar” terrain that leads to what you will be familiar with, most likely, for the rest of your life…

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Man can only feature in Gods plan, an attempt to alter it will be a demonstration of his weakness God has all the answers yet He is unquestionable If we understand the sovereignty of God, we will complain less and worship Him more because we can only appease Him in worship. To complain is to…

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Atmosphere for Performance ( Part 2)

When the Atmosphere is right…Performance in all ramifications becomes natural – Femi Adediran, 2020 A fish “out of water” cannot perform, A Bird “out of Sky” cannot perform, A lion “out of Jungle” cannot perform, You can only thrive and perform in your own Atmosphere – Femi Adediran,  2020 If you are in a place…

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Stampeded for Life

Stampeded for Life!

When you start driving before you learn how to drive, you may end up disabled for life, never ever able to drive again! You may become stampeded for life! Wisdom says “learn the ropes” before you “climb the ropes” – Femi Adediran, September 2021. There are mistakes that are too expensive to be made. Do…

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