
Every man that is born of a woman is born into trouble that is why we cry at birth and are silent in death – Femi Adediran,  2020 It becomes tougher because it’s about to get better – Femi Adediran,  2020 The wisest thing to do when you are troubled is to Pray! – Femi…

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Blind Spots

Blindness is not synonymous with blind spot but a blind spot not properly checked can eventually turn a man blind – Femi Adediran, 2020. There is more hope for a blind man who knows and checks his blind spot than for a man with full sight who does not know and who does not check…

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Leading Effectively

Focus on getting better and not getting bigger. Bigger does not necessarily mean better. When you get better, you will naturally get bigger -Femi Adediran, February 2022. We are all leaders, either born or made. The difference is in who accepts the responsibility to lead. That is why a portfolio or position does not translate…

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Don’t Let the Child Die

For there’s nothing in adulthood other than mounting pressures and endless worries – Femi Adediran, 2020. When a man loses his “childlikeness”, he would be left with nothing but “childishness”. For to be “childlike” is grave wisdom and to be “childish” is gross foolishness – Femi Adediran,  2020. When you tell a child daddy is…

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The Art of Thinking

Thinking is the most difficult part of the job, that is why most people don’t “do” it – Femi Adediran, February 2022. You either think or you sink! – Femi Adediran, February 2022. Thinking is an art, we can only act accordingly – Femi Adediran, February 2022. Think Twice! It’s amazing to know how things…

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The Ingrate

To have “Something”, be grateful for “Nothing” – Femi Adediran, November 2021. To the ingrate, nothing is ever “suitable”, nothing is ever “pleasant”, the sun is always “too cold” and the rain is always “too hot” – Femi Adediran, November 2021. If you want to know the distance between the Bed top and the floor,…

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