Some people say women are devils but i say it takes a devil to recognize another devil! Think about it The formular to raise great children is to love your wife, indeed! Eve did not give Adam the Apple because she wanted to deceive him; she gave him the apple simply because its in the…

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Atmosphere for Performance ( Part 2)

When the Atmosphere is right…Performance in all ramifications becomes natural – Femi Adediran, 2020 A fish “out of water” cannot perform, A Bird “out of Sky” cannot perform, A lion “out of Jungle” cannot perform, You can only thrive and perform in your own Atmosphere – Femi Adediran,  2020 If you are in a place…

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Managing Relationships (1)

Our life sentence, our death sentence is in our relationship sentence – Femi Adediran, 2020 If there’s one particular skill we all need to go to school to learn and be taught over and over again, it is relationship management, unfortunately it is not in the school curriculum – Femi Adediran, 2020 Answers to prayers…

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Locked Up

There are no restrictions, there are no limitations except the ones you placed on yourself. Its a free world with no boundaries until you establish one. Your limitations are your own making – Femi Adediran, 2020 When you are locked up by God, you can plead for mercy, When you are locked up the devil,…

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Living a Lie

We are happy only to the degree that we are truthful. The truer we are, the happier we become – Femi Adediran. It is far better to “look bad in your own skin” than to look good in “another man’s raiment” Why? Because it is less expensive! – Femi Adediran. Nothing can be as stressful…

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