To respect the young is humility  To respect the aged is Blessing  To respect your mate is self confidence  To respect nobody is self-destruction – Femi Adediran, 2020 Impact brings respect. The greater your impact the greater your respect. If you want to be respected, make impact – Femi Adediran, 2020 Every respectable and responsible…

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When you are Disappointed

In the actual fact, we are not disappointed, we are only repositioned  – Femi Adediran,  2020 It is perfectly human to get bitter after a disappointment, but nobody gets bitter and perform better  – Femi Adediran,  2020 Sometimes until we are disappointed we do not “see” our (better) options  – Femi Adediran,  2020 Every disappointment…

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Get Over It!

Don’t make Your shame your chain. Get over it! – Femi Adediran, January 2022. A crippled mind is worse than a crippled leg. There is more hope for a man with a crippled leg than for a man with a cripple mind. Our mind becomes crippled when we don’t know how to “get over many…

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Your past is never a waste. Everything you have been through, every failure you have experienced, every success you have tasted, every breakthrough, every breakdown is to prepare you for your performance at this moment. Nothing is ever wasted! – Femi Adediran, 2020. It’s a world of abundance but there is so much scarcity because prepared…

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Face Your Front

We all have struggles, but if you must struggle with anything at all, let it not be with yesterday because you were not born yesterday you are only born at this moment. With each passing moments, we become new born baby with each passing moment comes new chances and new opportunities. So, face your front…

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How Old are You?

We “become old” not because of our age but because of our “cage” – Femi Adediran, September 2021. Sometimes, the Phrase “How old are you?” Is not necessarily a question about your age but about your relevance, about your ability to “fit into a trend”, about whether you are strong enough to shoulder responsibilities, about…

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The Benefit of Doubt

The Benefits of Doubt

Your biggest act of bravery is to give yourself the benefits of the doubt…To Trust yourself, To love yourself, To give yourself a chance, To push yourself, to do all you can to let YOU benefit from your own doubt. – Femi Adediran, June 2021.  Trust people until they prove they are not trustworthy. Love…

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The Problem Child

The grass is not greener anywhere, we all must learn to cultivate our own garden and dress our own field – Femi Adediran, 2020 Prayer is good, but when your heart and act is in variance with your prayer points, you have only been engaged in lips excercise . Prayers only works when your HEART…

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