Stay Sweet

Sweetness is an aura, we smell good with it – Femi Adediran, 2020 Staying sweet is about making people feel comfortable around and with you even when you are not comfortable with yourself – Femi Adediran, 2020 Staying sweet is about staying strong, staying happy, staying encouraged for others. It’s about being a shoulder to…

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The Trained Child

If you want to see a safer world. Go back home and train your children – Femi Adediran,  2020 It’s a lot easier to train up a child than to rebuild a nation – Femi Adediran, 2020 Effective training is by influence. We must hold ourselves up high enough that our children will see reasons…

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Some people say women are devils but i say it takes a devil to recognize another devil! Think about it The formular to raise great children is to love your wife, indeed! Eve did not give Adam the Apple because she wanted to deceive him; she gave him the apple simply because its in the…

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Do Your Bits

Everything great is built-in bits. We don’t become great by doing “big things” but by doing “little things” well – Femi Adediran, 2020. Nothing is too big to accomplish if we will all do our bits – Femi Adediran, 2020. When we focus so much on what others do or do not do, we will not only…

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You must understand the necessity of the “cut-off point” so you can make the “cut-off mark” – Femi Adediran, July 2021. Don’t become too attached that you miss out on the blessing of detachment – Femi Adediran, July 2021. Those who are afraid of separation may never see the light of their destination – Femi…

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