With all thy getting, get a mentor. It is cheaper!

Any man who cannot be corrected has disqualified himself from being promoted

Children first mentors should be their parent

Because we are human, we are not perfect. We all have elements of imperfection in us. That is why one person cannot mentor you in all areas of life. Someone can be your spiritual mentor but not qualified to be your financial mentor. Your financial mentor may not be qualified to be your marriage mentor. Look for people who represent where you are going in different areas of your life and submit to their leadership so you don’t run yourself down with errors

Anybody can jump up, it takes submission to leadership and godly mentorship to grow up

To go further and farther, you need a father.

The biggest bane of this generation is that we are a generation without father

The right to be heard is earned when we listen to others

The fastest way to get to your destination is to find those who know the road and follow them

Until you are willing to be a son, you do not have the right to be called a father

Mentors may not be God but they are Gods in human form

The right to be heard is earned when we listen to others

Children first mentors should be their parents

Any man who cannot be corrected has disqualified himself from being promoted

Any man who claims to be great without mentorship is only marking time

Anybody can jump up, it takes submission to leadership and godly mentorship to grow up

The fastest way to get to your destination is to find those who know the road and follow them

Until you are willing to be a son, you do not have the right to be called a father

It is better that your mentor sees your fault and help you to correct them than for your audience to notice them and ridicule you. And what will a man do when he has no mentor?

Your discipline will determine your disciple. In science opposite attracts. In life, you attract your kind

*Mentors prepare you for your opportunities and your problems *

With all thy getting, get a mentor. It is cheaper!

Trying to do great things without proper mentorship is like trying to drive a car when you have never been to driving school. You will sure drive the car but you may not live to do another driving

Its easy to fall when you are too far away from helping hands

Because we human, we are not perfect. We all have elements of imperfection in us. That is why one person cannot mentor you in all areas of life. Someone can be your spiritual mentor but not qualified to be your financial mentor. Your financial mentor may not be qualified to be your marriage mentor. Look for people who represent where you are going in different areas of your life and submit to their leadership so you don’t run yourself down with errors

Your mentor represent where you are going to. Your mentee is a reminder of where you are coming from

More often than not, what we call greatness is a delusion of our own thoughts borne out of the praise of minority few who only sees us as we and not as we can be

*The enormousity of your potential and the weight of your destiny should make you seek a mentor *

A fatherless generation is a lawless generation

To go further and farther, you need a father.

The biggest bane of this generation is that we are a generation without father