Never Complain and do not Explain

As much as you can, avoid unnecessary explanation, keep quiet, concentrate your energy on your assignment and let your results do the talking – Femi Adediran, 2020

Nature won’t cheat nobody just as nobody can cheat nature. We all will “experience the weather” at our own turn. Life is turn by turn – Femi Adediran, 2020

We all will experience day and night in our lifetime…our life will go through the full cycle of day and night has its share of good and evil – Femi Adediran, 2020

America is not better placed than Africa. It is all about appreciating what you’ve got and making the most of it WITHOUT COMPLAINING – Femi Adediran, 2020

Keep away from “complain” if you want to live long and stay away from “Explain” if you want to stay long – Femi Adediran, 2020

  • If it is noble…Do it
  • If it commendable…Do it
  • If it applaudable…Do it
  • If it is not shameful…Do it
  • If it is not Illicit…Do it
  • If it is not Illegal…Do it…
  • If you can Tell me about it….JUST DO IT!

Do what you have to do anyway. Complain at best will leave you on a common plane as others. And I do not think you want to lose your identity in the crowd. With every complain, you discover one thing more…The impossibility in your reality. Complain and more complain will blurred your vision…You will not be able to “see the road clearly”

Complain will wear out your soul and make weak your spirit. Things get worse with every complain. And until you eliminate complain from your language, you will always live in disdain. There’s a bright side to your situation. Look out for it, because every situations has got a bright and a dark side.

If you have seen the sun during the day, then you must see the moonlight at night. And then you will realize that the sun won’t shine forever after all and the moon will soon rotate away. We all will experience day and night in our lifetime. Our life will go through the full cycle of day and night having its share of good and evil. So why the complaint?

Some people are experiencing longer day and shorter night at the moment whereas there are people whose nights are longer than day at this time. Nature won’t cheat nobody just as nobody can cheat nature. We all will “experience the weather” at our own turn. Life is turn by turn. America is not better placed than Africa. It is all about appreciating what you’ve got and making the most of it WITHOUT COMPLAINING

Our situation is like a coin – there is the head and there is the tail. Complaints make a man irresponsible, passing the blame onto other people and things. Complain will make you dwell on the shadow rather than the substance

  • If things are not right in your marriage, work at it.
  • If you don’t like your job, find something else to do
  • If you are in a place you don’t like, go elsewhere
  • If the relationship is killing you then get out of it

Stop the complaint! And why explain? Most of us explain ( even when we are not asked) because, more often than not we seek approval of others more than anything else. In life, people rarely approve of great deeds. No matter how noble your motives might be, someone somewhere will accuse you of ill intentions.

As much as you can, avoid unnecessary explanation, keep quiet, concentrate your energy on your assignment and let your results do the talking. And if you must explain, be sure to do so with the right people else you should be ready to kiss your passion good bye. You owe Dream killers no explanation. They will tell you, you can’t do it simply because they cannot

Keep away from “complain” if you want to live long and stay away from “Explain” if you want to stay long.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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