To be human is to be beautiful and be ugly at the same time!

It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to have regrets.
It’s okay to fall.
It’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to fail.
It’s okay to mess up.
It’s okay to be disappointed.
It’s okay to make mistakes.
It’s okay to be left alone.
It’s okay to have personal struggles.
What is not okay is to live in denial of your humanity!

Grace only cones to those who recognize the works of Grace.

Time truly waits for no man but one provable way to live happily is to wait for your own time. The irony of life.

Perfection is not a state, it is a journey to becoming a better person in Spirit, soul and body.

Comfort may be a luxury enjoyed by few, but pain is a common denominator for us all. Living in the white house does not excuse anyone from experience of pain. Death of a loved one is death of a loved one, Headache is headache even in white house.

Failure will not be a big deal if only we realize it is human and is common to all.

It’s okay to cry.
It’s okay to have regrets.
It’s okay to fall.
It’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to fail.
It’s okay to mess up.
It’s okay to be disappointed.
It’s okay to make mistakes.
It’s okay to be left alone.
It’s okay to have personal struggles.
What is not okay is to live in denial of your humanity!

Give yourself the permission to be human; to be truthful to thine own self and be willing to ask for help even in time of need.

Real strength is in admission of our frailty and fragility.

Grace only cones to those who recognize the works of Grace.

Those we call the toughest are the most tender at heart.

Be wary of men who don’t cry, they can be dangerous!

The full expression of our spirituality is in the recognition of our humanity first and foremost.

Patience with thine own self is Grace. Patience with others is maturity.

Failure will not be a big deal if only we realize it is human and is common to all.

To be human is to be beautiful and be ugly at the same time!

Time truly waits for no man but one provable way to live happily is to wait for your own time. The irony of life.

What connects us all is our humanity?

Comfort may be a luxury enjoyed by few, but pain is a common denominator for us all. Living in the white house does not excuse anyone from experience of pain. Death of a loved one is death of a loved one, Headache is headache even in white house.

Perfection is not a state, it is a journey to becoming a better person in Spirit, soul and body.