How Old are You?

We “become old” not because of our age but because of our “cage” – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

Sometimes, the Phrase “How old are you?” Is not necessarily a question about your age but about your relevance, about your ability to “fit into a trend”, about whether you are strong enough to shoulder responsibilities, about whether you had become so obsolete that you can only be categorized as belonging to the past! – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

We are neither too young nor too old, we can only be too “aged”! – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

There are “old young men” and there are “young old men”. The difference is in who is still running with the vision. When there is no vision when there is nothing to wake up to pursue other than money, we become old very fast – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

The impact is neither made by the old or the young, impact is made by men and women of vision who are never carried away by their age – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

We “become old” not because of our age but because of our “cage”

Nothing makes a man irrelevant and puts him out of circulation like the feeling that he is actually getting old.

To grow old very fast, cling to the past, live in the past.

There are “old young men” and there are “young old men”. The difference is in who is still running with the vision. When there is no vision, when there is nothing to wake up to pursue other than money, we become old very fast.

How Old are youSometimes, the Phrase “How old are you?” Is not necessarily a question about your age but about your relevance, about your ability to “fit into a trend”, about whether you are strong enough to shoulder responsibilities, about whether you had become so obsolete that you can only be categorized as belonging to the past!

Do not put your life on hold because you are getting old. Do not fall into the temptation, it always leads to relegation.

When it comes to age, you are only as old as you think!

To achieve more, talk less and focus!

Know your age, then forget it! This is one good way NOT to become old and venerable.

Age will never be a barrier if you will remain young at heart.

The impact is neither made by the old or the young, impact is made by men and women of vision who are never carried away by their age.

We are neither too young nor too old, we can only be too “aged”!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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