Freezing Cold!

A cold heart is a Death Sentence! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

People will grow cold on you, it does not really matter. You must fight the urge to grow cold on yourself, this is what really matters – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

  • The door closes when our heart is cold
  • Vision dies when our heart is cold
  • Hope is lost when our heart is cold
  • Love dies when our heart is cold
  • Faith becomes impracticable when our heart is cold – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Keep your childlike excitement, it preserves you from the foolishness that comes with growing old – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

When a man’s heart is cold, he becomes empowered to do foolish things – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

We grow old faster when we grow cold – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Keep your heart warm at all costs, it is one cheap way to live expensively – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

When the heart freezes…Life seizes! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

No matter how cold the “atmosphere in your business is”, fight to keep your heart warm. It is the path of profit – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Our Marriage doesn’t lose its heat until our hearts become cold – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

When the heart freezes…Life seizes!

Whatever you do, ensure you keep your hearts warm at all times. Things can only work when our heart is “warm(ing)”.Freezing Cold

It can only be natural to “perform miracles” where and when our heart is warm.

  • You can not live right when your heart is cold.
  • You cannot speak well.

It is difficult to be a loving father(mother) When your heart is cold.

It is very stressful to sing joyfully when your heart is cold.

  • You cannot run well when your heart is cold.
  • You can not play well when your heart is cold.
  • You can not keep friends when your heart is cold.

Love is not passionate in a cold heart.

50k Promo To stay young is to stay warm at heart.

It’s difficult to be fortunate when your heart is cold.

A warm heart is naturally attracted to good things.

Everything may be freezingly cold around you but when your heart is warm, it becomes warm weather.

A hot head and a cold heart lead nowhere.

We grow old faster when we grow cold.

No matter how cold the “atmosphere in your business is”, fight to keep your heart warm. It is the path of profit.

If you can keep your excitement in the cold, you can be saved from the cold.

People will grow cold on you, it does not really matter. You must fight the urge to grow cold on yourself, this is what really matters.

Dare to look foolish, there is no better way to earn wisdom.

Vision dies naturally when our hearts become cold.

Businesses don’t just die, businesses die when our hearts lose their fire!

A cold heart is a Death Sentence!

  • The door closes when our heart is cold
  • Vision dies when our heart is cold
  • Hope is lost when our heart is cold
  • Love dies when our heart is cold
  • Faith becomes impracticable when our heart is cold

Freeing ColdIf your heart is warm, it does not matter who or what is cold around you.

Keep your heart warm at all costs, it is one cheap way to live expensively.

Be diligent to keep your heart away from the cold so you can keep your life from infections.

When your heart is warm, you’ll see the road clearly.

No cold weather call kills the vibe of a warm heart.

It’s easy to make stupid mistakes when your heart is cold.

A cold heart is too deadly to be entertained! Avoid it like a plague.

Our best comrades, our best companions, our best colleagues are people with warm hearts. Be the best person anybody would be willing to hang around with.

Our environment does not become cold until our hearts become cold.

Do you want to do Great things and make a difference? keep your heart warm.

A cold heart beclouds your vision.

When a man’s heart is cold, he becomes empowered to do foolish things.

We don’t experience cold weather until our heart becomes cold.

It takes a warm heart to weather cold weather.

Our Marriage doesn’t lose its heat until our hearts become cold.

How to keep your heart warm?Freezing Cold

  • Hang around people with warm hearts. Hang around people who are enthusiastic about life and living
  • Listen to music that reminds you of good times
  • If you cannot handle a thing, leave its Handle
  • Always bear in my mind that you are one of the few “lucky ones” to be alive. Because you are alive, there is a purpose for your existence
  • Smile INTENTIONALLY everywhere you go
  • Keep your childlike excitement, it preserves you from the foolishness that comes with growing old
  • Forgive, forgive and forgive

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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