Follow Your Heart

They say go with the trend but i say go with your heart – Femi Adediran, 2020

In every man’s heart lies his Orienting Point – his fixed point in a spinning world. In our hearts lies our True North, our internal compass that helps us to stay on track without losing direction in a world with too many distractions – Femi Adediran, 2020

In our hearts lies the truth that can set us free – Femi Adediran, 2020

You don’t have to know too many things to become exceptional, you only have to know what is in your heart – Femi Adediran, 2020

Advises are good but true life instructions lie in our hearts except we are hypocrites. The truth is always with us – in our hearts – Femi Adediran,  2020

If you can and will follow your heart, the journey is not too far after all – Femi Adediran,  2020

It’s so easy to make it and it’s so easy to miss it. The answer lies in whether we have enough faith in our own believe…whether we can follow our hearts direction in the dark – Femi Adediran, 2020

There are a thousand and one theory on how to become successful in life but success theory only works when we follow the signals that points to success in our hearts – Femi Adediran,  2020

Some things cannot be taught in the classroom, you just know them. Some things are beyond methodology, sociology, philosophy or analytical chemistry, they just come to you “magically”. Some questions are way too confusing and inexplicable…the answers only comes to your heart in a mysterious way. You don’t have to know too many things to become exceptional, you only have to know what is in your heart.

If you do not know any other one thing else, be sure to know what is your own hearts for this is your life magic wand. In every man’s heart lies his Orienting Point – his fixed point in a spinning world. In our hearts lies our True North, our internal compass that helps us to stay on track without losing direction in a world with too many distractions. If you can and will follow your heart, the journey is not too far after all. Formal education is good but do not neglect your heart education. Your Heart Education is your life education. Advises are good but true life instructions lies in our hearts except we are hypocrites. The truth is always with us in our hearts.

  • In our heart lies our spiritual compass
  • In our heart lies our moral compass
  • In our heart lies our career compass
  • In our heart lies our marital compass
  • In our heart lies our business compass
  • In our heart lies our relationship compass
  • In our hearts lies our character compass
  • In our hearts lies the pathway to life and living
  • In our hearts lies the truth that can set us free!

There are a thousand and one theory on how to become successful in life but success theory only works when we follow the signals that points to success in our hearts. It’s so easy to make it and it’s so easy to miss it. The answer lies in whether we have enough faith in our own believe whether we can follow our hearts direction in the dark.

  • To stand out, follow your hearts
  • To escape from bandwagon effect, follow your heart
  • To become exceptional, follow your hearts
  • To become fulfilled, follow your hearts
  • To become successful, follow your hearts

Even if everyone deceived you, your heart will not deceive you. Respect other people’s opinion but follow your heart

  • Listen to advice but follow your heart
  • Go to school but follow your heart
  • It  be romantic but follow your heart
  • Read good books but follow your heart
  • Listen to great teachers but follow your heart
  • Don’t just follow footsteps, follow your heart
  • Don’t just follow your friends, follow your heart

They say go with the trend but i say go with your hearts. Your heart is your most sincere and truest guide. Sometimes following our heart does not make sense but it sure “makes life”, it makes our life. The real earth orbit is in our hearts, leading us in the right direction

  • We can only be as creative to the extent that we follow our heart
  • We become confused when we doubt the conviction of our own hearts
  • Where your heart leads you is where your earth goes

The earth can only become your parish when you follow the conviction of your own hearts and when you follow your heart, it is called Instincts

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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