Encourage The Fathers

When fathers are encouraged, it only result in one thing – Miracles! -Femi Adediran,  2020

Every father you meet is struggling with something…Fathers are fighters, encourage them to win – Femi Adediran, 2020

The frustration of the fathers is not the battle they face per se. The frustration of most fathers is that no one seems to recognize their struggles -Femi Adediran, 2020

Being a father is full time job…There are no vacancies for “Parttimers” – Femi Adediran,  2020

This is the help that all fathers need – ENCOURAGEMENT. Encouragement to be all that they were meant to be -Femi Adediran, 2020

There are no macho man anywhere. Only weak men made strong by the encouragement of others -Femi Adediran, 2020

Being a father is full time job. There are no vacancies for “Part timers”. You are either working full time or you are not working at all

  • Being a father can be frustrating
  • Being a father can be overwhelming
  • Being a father can be confusing
  • Being a father can be stressful
  • Being a father can be depriving
  • Being a father can be challenging
  • Being a father can be tough
  • Being a father can be rough

Every father you meet is struggling with something. Fathers are fighters, encourage them to win. The frustration of the fathers is not the battle they face per se. The frustration of most fathers is that no one seems to recognize their struggles. Fathers can only fight better when encouraged to win. An encouraged father is a potential winner.

  • Encourage fathers in your life with your words
  • Encourage fathers in your life with your kindness
  • Encourage fathers in your life with your substance

There are no macho man anywhere. Only weak men made strong by the encouragement of others. The only way to be there for our fathers is to encourage them. When fathers are encouraged, it only result in one thing – Miracles! It is nearly impossible for an encouraged father to live irresponsibly. Fathers who are encouraged live exemplarily

This is the help that all fathers need – ENCOURAGEMENT. Encouragement to be all that they were meant to be. Every father needs an encourager. Happy Father’s Day.

 Femi Adediran…olufire Nooni


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