Emotional Leakages

When there is emotional leakage, blood spillage might be inevitable because men can only go to war when their emotion leaks – Femi Adediran,  2020

When there is emotion leakage, the whole world surfers because feelings have defeated reasoning. Passion have blinded logic and ego have suffocated compassion – Femi Adediran,  2020

When there is emotional leakage, we become forgetful…we forget that we are “brothers and sisters” in spite our differences – Femi Adediran,  2020

When our emotion leaks, we lust until we get lost – Femi Adediran,  2020

When you can master your emotion, it is called Self-control…And when you become mastered by your emotion, it is called “Remote control” – Femi Adediran,  2020

Our emotions are like wild fire in harmattan, everything and anything in sight  become razed…And when “you are in doubt”, do not light the matches because you  not be able to stop the fire when it flares up! – Femi Adediran,  2020

When our emotion leaks we become vulnerable and stripped – Femi Adediran,  2020

Because blood runs in our vein. Our emotions can only flow. Our emotions are like sensors. They  not be so accurate but they “pick” the temperature of things around u and then it leaks. Our emotion can leak. It leaks just like a broken pot. Emotional leakage can result in irreparable damage. When our emotion leaks, the smell is always foul while the neighborhood stinks.

  • Our emotions are raw materials for our uplifting or downfall
  • Our emotional display whether in love or hatred – our true representation in its raw form
  • Our emotion can be catalyst for our breakdown or our breakthrough
  • Our emotions can make or break us
  • Our emotions can make a saint or a demon of us
  • Our emotion leaks when our tight stopper goes anticlockwise and we lose a grip of it

Good relationship of many years becomes bad because our emotion leaks. Marriages “run aground” because our emotion leaks. We become sexually attracted to the wrong person when our emotion leaks. We become easily depressed when our emotion leaks. Our anger gets better hold of us when our emotion leaks. He who angers you, conquers you, do not forget this.

  • We become “busy bodies” because our emotion leaks
  • When our emotion leaks, we are not able to tame our tongue
  • When our emotion leaks, our angers run unfettered
  • When our emotion leaks we become disrespectful
  • When our emotion leaks, we smile at the wrong thing and frown at the right thing
  • When our emotion leaks, we effortlessly become lawless and indiscipline
  • When our emotion leaks, judgment becomes perverted
  • When our emotion leaks, our reasoning becomes dull
  • When our emotion leaks, we cannot tell right from wrong because our sensor had been tampered with
  • When our emotion leaks, our conscience becomes “sick and eventually die”
  • When our emotion leaks, we “kill” without remorse and “steal” without guilt
  • When our emotion leaks, we hate for no reason and fight for no just cause
  • When our emotion leaks, we lust until we get lost
  • When our emotion leaks, logic flies out of the window
  • When our emotion leaks, we fight unnecessary battles with passion of a demon
  • When our emotion leaks we become vulnerable and stripped
  • When you can master your emotion, it is called Self-control…And when you become mastered by your emotion, it is called “Remote control”…
  • When you live without self-control, you will die without honor

If you can master your emotion, you can master any other one thing. Emotional slavery is destiny in bondage. We say love is blind simply because when we are in love our emotion overpowers our reasoning. But when your emotion overpowers your reasoning all the time, you  be courting “disasters unpredictable”. Our emotions are like wild fire in harmattan, everything and anything in sight  become razed. And when “you are in doubt”, do not light the matches because you  not be able to stop the fire when it flares up!

When there is emotion leakage, the whole world surfers because feelings have defeated reasoning. Passion have blinded logic and ego had suffocated compassion. When there is emotional leakage, we “bleed so bad” while struggling unnecessarily with people and things that we forget to look after our wounds thereby becoming revengeful

When there is emotional leakage, blood spillage might be inevitable because men can only go to war when their emotion leaks. When there is emotional leakage, we become frightful and doubtful. When there is emotional leakage, we become forgetful…we forget that we are “brothers and sisters” in spite our differences. The next time you feel an emotional surge that might result in leakage(s);

Take a deep breath and think! Think of the consequences of the leak then, take a walk. You can master your emotion.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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