Dangerous Transfers!

Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Nothing can be as destiny damaging as wrong Association -Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Wealth is a Spirit, it can be contacted (Transferred). Poverty is a Spirit, it can be contacted (Transferred). What we know or do not know does not matter many times but the spirit that we carry – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Sometimes, the only thing you need to do to change your fortune is to change your Association – FemiDangerous Transfers Adediran, December 2021.

Take it or leave it, your “life gyration” is in your life Association. Association is a limitation, Association is boundary remover. Association is a blessing, Association is also a curse. Your Association can be your doom. Your Association can also be your Boom! – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

It’s important to make a decision to be in the right Association, to be at the right place including where you live! – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

One critical life audit we all must do from time to time is “Association audit”. We must be willing to become “part of” and to “depart from” when it becomes necessary – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Dangerous TransfersOur biggest transfer is life transfer, beyond money transfer. Don’t just get the money, get the life.

You can increase your chances in life by hanging around the right people. You can pave your own way for greatness in the right Association.

Wealth is a Spirit, it can be contacted (Transferred). Poverty is a Spirit, it can be contacted (Transferred). What we know or do not know does not matter many times but the spirit that we carry.

Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Nothing can be as destiny damaging as wrong Association

I don’t care about what you know or what you do not know until I know who you are “frolicking” with.

Take it or leave it, your “life gyration” is in your life Association. Association is a limitation, Association is boundary remover. Association is a blessing, Association is also a curse. Your Association can be your doom. Your Association can also be your Boom!

One critical life audit we all must do from time to time is “Association audit”. We must be willing to become “part of” and to “depart from” when it becomes necessary.

A relationship is a serious business and it must be without unnecessary sentiments if we must fulfill the purpose.

Whether you are confident or you are fearful is about who you are with or who is with you per time

We are corrupt by Association and we are made whole by Association. The less we relate with someDangerous Transfers people, the better our life would be

Association is life-giving. Association is life-taking.

Sometimes, the only thing you need to do to change your fortune is to change your Association.

To supercharge your life, be in the right company.

Our life won’t change in the next 5 Years except for the people we meet and the book we read. Even book reading is an Association. You become as what you read. Read the right stuff so you can turn out right!

It’s important to make a decision to be in the right Association, to be at the right place including where you live!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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