Dancing in the Rain

When we wait too long for the storm to pass, we  have missed the opportunity to dance in the rain – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Life is as beautiful as the beautiful choices we make even at ugly moments – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Life is too short to miss the fun of the moment – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Every moment comes with its own fun and frown. The choice is yours – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The best we can do is to “laugh” over spilled milk. You  have lost the milk. Do not lose the fun. When you lose both the fun and the milk, not until then are you a loser – Femi Adediran, 2020

We must be able to look for and find the funny part of our situation else we would forever be unhappy and live under pressure – Femi Adediran,  2020

If you are stuck with your kids in a corner, learn to play with them in the sand. It’s a magical moment – Femi Adediran, 2020.

When you take life too seriously, you grow old very quickly, no matter your age – Femi Adediran,  2020

The weather will not always be favourable. Sometimes what we wish for is the sun but what we got is the rain. But we can enjoy life no matter the weather condition. When we wait too long for the storm to pass, we  have missed the opportunity to dance in the rain. It  be cold in the rain but a warm heart can survive a cold earth. We  not have control over many things. But we can control what we do with many things. We lose control when we do not take control and we can only take control by making deliberate choices. Life is as beautiful as the beautiful choices we make even at ugly moments.

  • We don’t become happy by chance but by choice
  • We  not have control over the rain but we can control what we do in and with the rain. We can choose to cry or to laugh in the rain
  • We do not get cold in the rain until our heart loses its warmth

 Situations are best when we make the best out of them.

  • What if your children are wayward?
  • What if your spouse is eccentric?
  • What if your business doesn’t make the projected profit?
  • What if you have to stay at home for so long for only God knows what reason?
  • What if you don’t have enough money?
  • What if you are not able to build a house of your own?
  • What if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere?
  • What if the economic situation goes so bad?
  • What if you have a miscarriage?
  • What if you fall ill?
  • What if your laptop packs up suddenly?

Life often turn up and turn out unexpected

  • Out best bet is to choose to enjoy the moment
  • Our best bet is to choose to have fun in spite all odd
  • Our best bet is to keep smiling even when we are surrounded with sadness

We must be able to look for and find the funny part of our situation else we would forever be unhappy and live under pressure. Nothing gets better when we are bitter. Life is too short to miss the fun of the moment. Every moment comes with its own fun and frown. The choice is yours. The best we can do is to “laugh” over spilled milk. You  have lost the milk. Do not lose the fun. When you lose both the fun and the milk, not until then are you a loser

  • Learn to enjoy your spouse in spite his/her idiosyncrasies
  • Learn to enjoy your children in spite their naughtiness
  • Learn to enjoy your neighbor in spite their lifestyle
  • Learn to enjoy your colleagues in spite their attitudes
  • Learn to enjoy your situation in spite the hardship

Nothing really works when we get so worked up. When things are black. Do not blank out. The best delicacies are not the best prepared but that which takes away our hunger. And it does not have to be best prepared to be best enjoyed. Life is full of “magical” moments. You can only enjoy the magic moment when you don’t take “the magic” so seriously.

If you are stuck with your kids in a corner, learn to play with them in the sand. It’s a magical moment. When you take life too seriously, you grow old very quickly, no matter your age. Nobody is at an advantage. We only get the advantage that we take. Take advantage of the moment.

We will eventually have and become nothing if we do not learn to do something even when there is nothing. “When there is nothing to be done”. There is always something to do. Do not let the rain ruin your reign. When you have a warm heart in a cold rain, you have beaten the rain after all. If and when you can dance in the rain, you are “not beaten” by the rain after all.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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