Beyond Elastic Limit

The elastic limit is the point beyond which the material you are stretching becomes permanently stretched so that the material does not return to its original length when the force is removed – Hookes Law.

 It is only reasonable not to go beyond your elastic limits but nothing great is achieved “reasonably” – Femi Adediran, 2020

The point where we become seemingly distorted is the point where we become permanently extended and entering our New Normal – Femi Adediran, 2020

To become Great, what you know must give way to what you dont know. The journey of greatness is movement from known to unknown. A movement from reality to possibility – Femi Adediran, 2020

Water becomes gas at boiling point. Solid becomes liquid at melting point. To Breakthrough you must break free – Femi Adediran,  2020

We  be ordinary by birth( default), we become extra ordinary by choice – Femi Adediran,  2020

Our comfort must be damaged. Our convenience must be damaged. We must push beyond our Elastic limits to Breakthrough – Femi Adediran, 2020

For stresses beyond the elastic limit, a material exhibits plastic behavior. This means the material deforms irreversibly and does not return to its original shape and size, even when the load is removed. When stress is gradually increased beyond the elastic limit, the material undergoes plastic deformation. The elastic limit is the point beyond which the material you are stretching becomes permanently stretched so that the material does not return to its original length when the force is removed – Hookes Law.

Destiny walk is not a stroll in the park. It’s a Marathon race on the track. We  never achieve much until we break free from our comfort zone. We must be willing to move from comfort to discomfort which will eventually lead us to our ultimate comfort. The point where we become seemingly distorted is the point where we become permanently extended and entering our New Normal. Common Input is not likely to produce uncommon result. You must be stretched beyond your elastic  limits to break limitations

It is only reasonable not to go beyond your elastic limits but nothing great is achieved “reasonably”. The point of permanent deformation is the point of permanent transformation. Transition to your originality is in your deformity. To become Great, what you know must give way to what you don’t know. The journey of greatness is movement from known to unknown. A movement from reality to possibility

Our comfort must be damaged. Our convenience must be damaged. We must push beyond our Elastic limits to Breakthrough. Robert Hookes says that: Stresses beyond the elastic limit cause a material to yield or flow. We can only yield to call of destiny and flow “effortlessly” when we “crossover” beyond our elastic limit. Water become gas at boiling point. Solid becomes liquid at melting point. To Breakthrough you must break free

Breaking free from your Elastic limit is a crossover from ordinary to extra ordinary. Its a departure from your limited capability to unlimited living. Going beyond your elastic limit  be a permanent damage but it ushers you into your permanent salvage. Elastic point is the point you break free from limited you so you can become unlimited you

  • You  have to sleep less
  • You  have to put in extra hour
  • You  have to do more
  • You  have to pay more
  • You  have to study harder
  • You  have to give more
  • You  have to spend less

We  be ordinary by birth( default), we become extra ordinary by choice. Beyond our elastic limits is an abundant life that awaits us.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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