Becoming A Leader

A lot of homes and marriages have suffered shipwreck today because our men do not have what it takes to lead. This is beyond material possessions or physical wealth. No man can give what he does not have. Too many men have not learnt the act and the art of leadership before becoming husbands and fathers. Most men have not experienced and learn what  leadership is from their fathers. The father figures with no leadership skills at best, they are FIGURE HEADS which most men of this generation have eventually become! – Femi Adediran, 2020

Leadership sucks because followership stinks. That is why every nation got the kind of leadership and leaders that they deserve – Femi Adediran, 2020

Leadership is beyond daily Administration of things in the “White House”. It is what you have become and made others around you become by your living and lifestyle – Femi Adediran, 2020

Effective leadership is about “true-life experiences” taking people through a path that is well beaten, the giving of “what you have” – Femi Adediran, 2020

Until leadership becomes a heart engagement for you, it does not become a life engagement – Femi Adediran, 2020

Everything, they say, rises and fall on Leadership…implying that Leadership is a platform for the rising and falling of us all…once Leadership goes wrong, nothing else can be right….We are only able to go in the direction of the Leadership that we have received. Leadership is not necessarily or primarily about portfolio. Leadership first and foremost begins with you, leading your own life aright. Making the right decisions and following the right direction.

Leadership is beyond daily Administration of things in the white house. It is what you have become and made others around you become by your living and lifestyle. No man who have not lead himself successfully is qualified to lead others. The greatest leadership is that with no portfolio, being able to influence others with no office address.

  • Leadership by appointment is one thing
  • Leadership by life engagement is another
  • Leadership by appointment is a stewardship of affluence
  • Leadership by life engagement is a stewardship of Influence
  • Leading and leadership is a business for all

As a matter of fact the earlier you become a leader, the better for all and sundry. A lot of homes and marriages have suffered shipwreck today because our men do not have what it takes to lead. This is beyond material possessions or physical wealth. No man can give what he does not have. Too many men have not learned the act and the art of leadership before becoming husbands and fathers. Most men have not experienced and learn what leadership is from their fathers. The father figures with no leadership skills, at best, are FIGURE HEADS which most men of this generation have eventually become!

A man who have not led his own home successfully is not fit to criticize the Government of the day. Show me what right Governance is at your home front and i can listen when you say the Government of the day have not done well. Followers are born, but leaders are made. The raw materials for making a leader in followership.

  • Leadership sucks because followership stinks. That is why every nation got the kind of leadership and leaders that they deserve
  • Leadership is about loving the unlovable
  • Leadership is about holding yourself first and foremost accountable to God and to men who ” not have power to ask questions”
  • Leadership is finding the way ahead of others
  • Leadership is about not transferring aggression
  • Leadership is about being under pressure yet not pressurized
  • Leadership is about being a father to the fatherless, being eye to to the blind and source of strength to the weak hearted
  • Leadership is about sacrificing your interest for the interest of others
  • Leadership is being a shoulder to lean on in spite needing a shoulder yourself
  • Leadership is smiling for others amidst your crisis if only to save a failing and a bleeding heart
  • Leadership is living for others in spite yourself.

True leadership is about caring for others. Until leadership becomes a heart engagement for you, it does not become a life engagement. Effective leadership is about “true life experiences”. Taking people through the path that is well beaten – the giving of “what you have”

What Leadership is NOT

  • Leadership is not about being the boss
  • Leadership is not about dictatorship
  • Leadership is not Mr. Know all
  • Leadership is not about running the show
  • Leadership is not about trampling others under your feet
  • Leadership is not a show of strength

To become a leader – You must learn by observations! Observing real leaders. You must learn by impartation. Walking closely with real leaders one of whom should be your own father and mother because you are connected to their grace of leadership. That is, If they have not become “Figure heads”. And you don’t want to become another “figure head” too. So, teach your children by your life, the art of leading.

  • You must learn by internalizing and crystalizing your  life experiences
  • You must learn by Skill acquisition…because Leadership is a skill
  • You must learn by holding yourself to uncommon standard…because common standard is for followers
  • You must learn by being a role model.

Role modeling will instill in you, a sense of responsibility. Role modeling would help you model your role – either as a father or as a community leader –  in high standards. And when a leader is found in you, the world would be a better place to live.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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