Be Your Brother’s keeper

And If you cannot be your brother’s keeper don’t become his killer – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We miss our way in life not necessarily for lack of direction but for lack of “keepers” who “should” be there when we do not have the strength even to continue on the right track – Femi Adediran, 2020.

It is easy to get lost when no one is watching out for you – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Security is beyond having a physical Guard. Our biggest security is having people brothers who got our back in all weather – Femi Adediran, 2020.

When your “Security Guard” is not “your brother”, you are as good as dead meat. And when “your brother” is not your “Security Guard”, dead meat is better than you – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Until it becomes everybody’s success, it will always be everybody’s failure – Femi Adediran, 2020

No matter how “big” and “Great” we  have become, we are not far from becoming “small” and “insignificant” if no one is watching out for us – Femi Adediran, 2020

Check on your brother, text him, email him, call him, forgive him. Take responsibility for at least one person who is not even aware of it. You don’t have to announce your presence -Femi Adediran, 2020

What goes around comes around if no one seems to be watching out for you, you are probably not watching out for others – Femi Adediran, 2020

The shame of one is the shame of all. When one brother failed, technically, we all failed. Until it becomes everybody’s success, it will always be everybody’s failure. If all of us must not fail, one of us must not fail. It is not enough for one of us to succeed, It is better if we all cross the success line. Many of us would have probably perform better in life if we have people who can stick out their neck watching out for us even when we are not looking.

Sometimes a simple contact check can redeem a soul going down the valley of death. Too many people have become irresponsible simply because no one is taking responsibility for them. No matter how “big” and “Great” we  have become, we are not far from becoming “small” and “insignificant” if no one is watching out for us. We miss our way in life not necessarily for lack of direction but for lack of “keepers” who “should” be there when we do not have the strength even to continue on the right track. It is easy to get lost when no one is watching out for you

Security is beyond having physical guard. Our biggest security is having people brothers who got our back in all weather. When your “Security guard” is not “your brother”, you are as good as dead meat. And when “your brother” is not your “Security Guard”, a dead meat  be better than you. Things become more difficult and tougher when we do not have brothers (sisters) we can call our keeper.

  • If it is within your capacity, stick out your neck for someone today. Be Your brother’s keeper.
  • If your brother have a vision, help him to achieve it if you can
  • If  your brother is in need help him if its within your reach
  • If your brother have a career, avail him with information to excel if you have it
  • If your brother is poor, make him rich if you can
  • If your brother needs a job, link him up with one if you have the connection
  • If your brother needs spiritual support, pray for him
  • If your brother needs financial help, give him money if you have it
  • If your brother needs emotional support, encourage him
  • If your brother is making progress, celebrate him
  • If your brother is sick, provide him medical help if you can

Be your brothers asset and not a liability. Liabilities are killers. Assets are keepers. Don’t just check on your brother because you have a problem but because you want him to know that you are still here even if he gets into “prison”. Being your brother’s keeper is not necessarily about money but about giving a reassurance that someone is here watching his back. What goes around comes around if no one seems to be watching out for you, you are probably not watching out for others

Check on your brother, text him, email him, call him, forgive him. Take responsibility for at least one person who is not even aware of it. You don’t have to announce your presence. And If you cannot be your brother’s keeper don’t become his killer.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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