Femi Adediran

Femi Adediran is a highly educated and accomplished individual with a diverse career. He holds impressive qualifications in engineering, management, and leadership, including an MBA from the University of Calabar and an alumni status from Harvard Kennedy School.

Shut Up Your Mouth

Fight your battle in silence let your result do the announcement – Femi Adediran, 2020 A city becomes vulnerable when her gate is wide opened. When a man does not know how to shut his mouth, his life becomes easily accessible to his enemy – Femi Adediran, 2020 Quietness is an indefatigable strength – Femi…

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Emotional Leakages

When there is emotional leakage, blood spillage might be inevitable because men can only go to war when their emotion leaks – Femi Adediran,  2020 When there is emotion leakage, the whole world surfers because feelings have defeated reasoning. Passion have blinded logic and ego have suffocated compassion – Femi Adediran,  2020 When there is…

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Falling in Love with Me

A man or woman without self-love is easily deceived with ‘things’ and ‘fake profession of love’, because when you don’t love yourself, you will suffer from chronic poor self-esteem and become excited at the least show of affection. This is extremely dangerous as it puts your life is at Risk!- Femi Adediran, 2020 Self-love is…

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