Atmosphere for Performance (Part 1)

We all are Miracle Workers in the right Atmosphere! – Femi Adediran, 2020

Even if you find yourself in “hell”, fight so hard to create a “heavenly” atmosphere around you. You can survive anything when the Atmosphere is right – Femi Adediran, 2020

In the right atmosphere; vision is well nurtured; Talents are expressed, naturally; Potentials are easily developed; Hearts functions “nonstop”; Eyes can see; The brain works tirelessly ; Energy is unleashed; Love flows without dissimulation; Impossibility becomes possibility; Everything and Anything is possible when the Atmosphere is right – Femi Adediran, 2020

The Atmosphere around you is the birthing pot for your life miracle – Femi Adediran, 2020

Create your own atmosphere no matter who or what is around you. Make it your atmosphere. Your territory for performance – Femi Adediran,  2020

A toxic Atmosphere is death zone for great destiny. In a wrong atmosphere, everything that can go wrong will go wrong – Femi Adediran, 2020

We have a responsibility to perform in life. It is a responsibility both to us and to the people we “care” about. If and when you cannot perform, you will not only lose your respect but also further opportunities. Performance attract more opportunities to the performer. With Performance comes Respect.

  • Your children will respect you if you can perform as a responsible father
  • Your Wife will respect you if you can perform as a good husband
  • Your followers will respect you if you can perform as a good leader
  • Your colleague will respect you if you can perform as a dependable co worker
  • Your friend will respect you if you can perform as a faithful friend
  • Your employer will respect you if you can perform as a reliable employee
  • Your employees will respect you if you can perform as a truthful employer

Performance gives you a sense of fulfillment. It is nearly impossible to separate “Atmosphere” from Performance. Atmosphere is critical to performance. We all are Miracle Workers in the right Atmosphere! In the right atmosphere:

  • Vision is well nurtured
  • Talents are expressed, naturally
  • Potentials are easily developed
  • Hearts functions “nonstop”
  • Eyes can see
  • The brain works tirelessly
  • Energy is unleashed
  • Love flows without dissimulation
  • Impossibility becomes possibility

Everything and Anything is possible when the Atmosphere is right. There is no limit to what a man can do  in the right atmosphere. A Brilliant man in the wrong Atmosphere is as bad as the “dude with no brain” and a “dude with no brain” can be as good as the brilliant man in the right atmosphere. The difference between the man that delivers and the man that cannot deliver  be in the atmosphere they are exposed to

Our Atmosphere is the air we breathe in and out. Every air we breathe is an exchange of death or life! Be deliberate. Be “mindful” of the Atmosphere around your life. You are dying or living daily by the virtue of the atmosphere around your life. You become stronger or weaker by the virtue of the atmosphere you are exposed to daily.

Don’t contaminate your destiny. Get in the right atmosphere! A toxic Atmosphere is death zone for great destiny. In a wrong atmosphere, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Even the best ability will die in the wrong atmosphere. We are at our best performance in the right atmosphere. We are product of our own atmosphere. The atmosphere around our lives is either a security threat or security enhancer

We are vulnerable as the atmosphere we are exposed to. We are “creation” of an atmosphere. The atmosphere we created or the atmosphere that others created for us. You either create your atmosphere or someone does for you and when someone else create the atmosphere around you, at best you are only breathing in and out, “Recycled Air”. Do not live on the atmosphere created by others or your National Economy Situation. Make a deliberate effort to create your own atmosphere

Even if you find yourself in “hell”, fight so hard to create a “heavenly” atmosphere around you. You can survive anything when the Atmosphere is right. Your situation will only respond to your atmospheric condition. The Atmosphere around you is the birthing pot for your life miracle. Do everything reasonably possible to create a “living atmosphere” around your life.

  • Create your own atmosphere no matter who or what is around you. Make it your atmosphere…Your territory for performance
  • Create the right atmosphere in your home
  • Create the right atmosphere in your place of work
  • Create the right atmosphere in your community
  • Create the right atmosphere in your Association
  • Create the right Atmosphere in your Nation

To be continued…

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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