A “Must Have” Skill – Personal Marketing 101

If you must lie at all, let it be about your self-confidence. Pretend you have all the guts. This is one top secret of the people we call champions
-Femi Adediran, January 2022.

One of your must-have valuable skills is the ability to “carry yourself shoulder-high” in all situations. The truth is, nobody truly knows what you are going through, nobody knows what you are worth at the moment, besides, everyone is faced with one “intimidating Goliath” or the other. You had better “do your walkings in style”, your situation is far better than millions who you think have “arrived” – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

“Fake it until you make it”, wear the confident smile everywhere you go! -Femi Adediran, January 2022.

When you have low self-esteem, you will end up competing and contending with everyone. Even your own children will be a threat to you!
-Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Self-love is the mother of self-confidence. Love yourself (to pieces) in spite of your situations and watch your life change tremendously! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Our real beauty, our real power is in our self-confidence! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Your first Point of sale is you, if you can sell yourself, you can sell any other thing! Find a way to sell yourself first before you sell your goods
-Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Most people have chicken hearts. Choose to be the one with the lionheart, not many people are in this category! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

We are neither a success nor a failure, we are who we are by virtue of who we think we are – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Nobody will celebrate you until you stop your pity party. The world is not so kind. You must stop the pity and start your own party – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

A Must Have Skill

When you have low self-esteem, you will end up competing and contending with everyone. Even your own children will be a threat to you!

One of your must-have valuable skills is the ability to “carry yourself shoulder-high” in all situations. The truth is, nobody truly knows what you are going through, nobody knows what you are worth at the moment, besides, everyone is faced with one “intimidating Goliath” or the other. You had better “do your walkings in style”, your situation is far better than millions who you think have “arrived”

An expressway to failure is to think everyone is better than you. You just sold out your own space in the beautiful world of success

You have not failed until you lose your Self-confidence.

It takes self-confidence even to pray for your own friends!

If you know how empty most people are, you would rise up to the occasions wherever you find yourself.

A “good look” is not synonymous with a good life. Do not be deceived

If you would walk into a room with a good image of yourself. Your work is half done already!

The less self-conscious you are, the better would be your performance. Forget about the hole in your shoes and think of how beautiful it would be to get everyone a pair of shoes…then, watch what happens…

Inferiority complex is the bane of our live performance. Avoid it like a plague. Think highly of yourself. It is far better to feel superior to feel inferior

Most people who feel inferior are always hiding, even among their own mates. Feeling inferior is a deadly disease. Kill it before it kills you. Nobody is better than you, our situations are only peculiar.

If you must lie at all, let it be about your self-confidence. Pretend you have all the guts. This is one top secret of the people we call champions.

If you can walk into a room and introduce yourself without apology or self-pity, you can become the president of the world!

Nobody will celebrate you until you stop your pity party. The world is not so kind. You must stop the pity and start your own party.A Must Have Skill

Most people have chicken hearts. Choose to be the one with the lionheart, not many people are in this category!

Self-confidence is more important than any other skill. When and where your skills fail, revert to Self-confidence, it’s a bail-out option that works like magic!

Your first Point of sale is you, if you can sell yourself, you can sell any other thing! Find a way to sell yourself first before you sell your goods

This is one sentiment about marketing, people BUY YOU first before they BUY FROM YOU. Marketing is about you first and foremost and then your products and services

You are the insurance for your own products and Services.

You must become so proud of yourself so much that you become envious of others. This is not about money, it is about self-love in all situations

A Must Have SkillWe are neither a success nor a failure, we are who we are by virtue of who we think we are.

When you believe in yourself, you give others no choice but to believe in you.

Its a level playing ground if we all can walk in self-confidence, even Goliath may not stand a chance

Self-love is the mother of self-confidence. Love yourself (to pieces) in spite of your situations and watch your life change tremendously!

“Fake it until you make it”, wear the confident smile everywhere you go!

Self-confidence is like a sweet-smelling perfume. It makes you attractive everywhere you go

Our real beauty, our real power is in our self-confidence!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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