How much are You Worth?

A man that cannot be trusted with money cannot be trusted with any other one thing, even with his own life – Femi Adediran, 2019

We are “manufactured” in the dark. Integrity is a photosynthetic process that can only take place in the dark. And when light comes, you can only be seeing “as produced.” No man can pretend for too long – Femi Adediran, 2019

You will never be able to place a higher value on others more than you have placed on yourself – Femi Adediran,  2019

When Judas betrayed Jesus because of 30 pieces of silver, it depicts 7 things:

1. When money becomes bait for you, you will be willing to give anything in exchange for it even if it means sacrificing your own life ultimately

2. You will never be able to place a higher value on others more than you have placed on yourself. You only see others as you see yourself. Judas was only worth 30 pieces of silver “in his own” eyes and so he thought same of his master.

3. When a man is poor at heart, no matter the amount of money in his pocket, he will perpetually live a “wretched life”. He would still steal and cheat even when his bank account is “filled to the brim”.

  • A poor man is not he without money in his pocket but the man without substance in his heart. No matter the amount of money in your pocket, when your heart is empty, you can be sure that the money in your pocket will soon be emptied. It becomes a double tragedy when your heart is empty and your pocket is emptied.
  • If and when all that is in your heart is money, then you are the poorest of all men! Stealing and cheating becomes easy for a man whose heart only functions for money

4. A man that cannot be trusted with money cannot be trusted with any other one thing, even with his own life.

  • Any man can have money. Any man can be given money. But very few men can be trusted with money

5. Men that are “priceless” are valuable but when a man has a price, then his values becomes questionable.

  • If all you are worth is money then you are the most miserable
  • Money at best will give you assets but Values will give you access
  • There is more hope for a man whose heart is filled with good substance other than money and empty pocket than for a man with empty heart and filled pocket
  • Corruption is beyond what a man steals or takes. Corruption is about the core values at the center of a man’s heart

6. Integrity is about who you are in the dark. The making of you. As a matter of fact, we are “manufactured” in the dark.

  • Integrity is a photosynthetic process that can only take place in the dark. And when light comes, you can only be seeing “as produced.” No man can pretend for too long

7. A man that loves money will at best use people and a man that loves people will naturally use his money.

Love your friend and use your money. Do not fall into the temptation of using your friends and loving your money. And when all is said and done, the worth of a man is in the values he possesses. Most men have price tag, only a few are “Price-less!”

Think of Judas…and the 30 pieces of Silver!

 Femi Adediran…Olufire nooni

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