The stage isn’t for the talented, it is for the confident

The stage is an equal employer, it does not discriminate against anyone. The stage does not know your educational background nor your political affiliation . If you are bold enough, you can have the floor

Talents are everywhere but the stage is scarce, if you happen to find one, match on to it with the confidence of a lion

Those that we call great actors are those who have mastered the art of stage confidence

Let your children learn confidence from you so you don’t end up with legacy of cowardice

A fool who is confident can easily intimidate a wise man who is timid

The more confident we are, the better our performance on the stage of life

The stage isn’t for the talented, it is for the confident

*We don’t loose in life until we loose our confidence *

The stage is an equal employer, it does not discriminate against anyone. The stage does not know your educational background or your historical . If you are bold enough, you can have the floor

Talents are everywhere but the stage is scarce, if you happen to find one, match on to it with the confidence of a lion

The easiest way to become a millionaire is to mount your stage with absolute confidence, like you are the best on the subject matter

We can do almost anything it we can be recklessly confident

One great way to boost your confidence is to forget that you ever failed, even if only for the purpose the stage at the moment

A fool who is confident can easily intimidate a wise man who is timid

Confidence is the muscle of the mind

It takes confidence even to live happily

The more confident we are, the better our performance on the stage of life

We are not confident because we are professionals, we are professionals because we are confident

Let your children learn confidence from you so you don’t end up with legacy of cowardice

*Even when you have lost everything, be careful not to lose your stage confidence, its your bounce back strategy *

Those that we called great actors are those who have mastered the art of stage confidence