Marriage: The Truth, The Lies, And The Untold Stories (5)

In marriage, love has its place, money has its place. Neither can be substituted for the other. But one can eliminate the other. This is a puzzling marriage quadratic equation- Femi Adediran, 2020

Our prosperity is as important as our spirituality. Don’t just get spiritual…Prosper too! – Femi Adediran, 2020

Happiness  be a choice. Money is a big influencer of that choice – Femi Adediran, 2020

Real men work the streets

Real men do not mind the smelly boot

Real men are not afraid of the cold

Real men are not intimidated by heat

Real men sweat it out

Real men till the ground

Real men will rather die on their feet than live on their knees – Femi Adediran, 2020

If you want to be real man in your own home. Go to work. Go make money. Even if you have to do the most demeaning job, do it. You will definitely arrive at a meaning soon. Nothing can be more demeaning when you become a “figure head” in your own territory. Your home – Femi Adediran, 2020

Stop begin for “alms” everywhere. Be your own man, carry your own weight by Gods help. Get up and get going. Don’t say there is nothing to do. Look around and find something to do even if it is to baby sit for someone – Femi Adediran, 2020

Research has shown that the number one marriage problem of all time has been money. When money is no longer the issue…We  no longer be having “so much issues”. In marriage, love has its place, money has its place. Neither can be substituted for the other. But one can eliminate the other. This is a puzzling marriage quadratic equation.

With all thy getting get money…legally…and get it fast! Our prosperity is as important as our spirituality. Don’t just get spiritual…Prosper too! Marriage becomes endurable or enjoyable to the extent that we can make the basic things of life available in our homes. courtesy money. Even the children of a poor man does not like him

Happiness  be a choice. Money is a big influencer of that choice. Every home needs at least three source of income to be able to take care of the generation past (Your parent), the generation present ( Your immediate family) and the future generation ( Your children responsibilities).

Money matter is everybody’s responsibility but men are expected to be more responsible. Every man must be “proactive” and be “brave” enough to provide for their homes…before it becomes an issue. Be bold enough to make money as long as it is legal. Never ever be ashamed to do what you have to do to make money for your family. Money making is only for the brave and the Lion hearted.

If you must do it at all, do it proudly. Every  man you see “with money” is doing and coping with some “shit” somewhere. There is nothing more dignifying. We remain poor because many of us are timid and ashamed of “what we ought to do”. If it is not shameful, why would you be ashamed?

  • Real men work the streets
  • Real men do not mind the smelly boot
  • Real men are not afraid of the cold
  • Real men are not intimidated by heat
  • Real men sweat it out
  • Real men till the ground
  • Real men will rather die on their feet than live on their knees

Money  not be everything but it can suffocate almost every other thing. If you want to be real man in your own home. Go to work. Go make money. Even if you have to do the most demeaning job, do it. You will definitely arrive at a meaning soon. Nothing can be more demeaning when you become a “figure head” in your own territory…Your home.

You are the head by design, so do all you can to maintain and sustain your position…It is called Respect. Your wife and children will not only love you but respect you for your act of bravery. Stop begin for “alms” everywhere. Be your own man, carry your own weight by Gods help. Get up and get going. Don’t say there is nothing to do. Look around and find something to do even if it is to baby sit for someone. When money is in short supply, love and even life might become suffocated. Dreams and vision die “naturally”.

The only way not to become slave to money is to master it. And how do you master money? By obeying the laws of money. You can only become the master by obeying the laws. And what are the laws?

To be continued…

 Femi Adediran…Olufire Nooni

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